Chapter 30: Reflection

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Jacek looked out across the great expanse west of New Meen as a speeder idled nearby. Following his gaze, Jarek spotted a storm moving across the horizon. They were a common sight on the planet. They wreaked havoc with sensors and other sensitive equipment. Fortunately, it seemed this storm would miss the settlement. It was clear roads and skies all the way to Nabat and beyond...

"Your leaving?" Era asked. In the two days since Gare's funeral, the color had returned to Jacek's skin. Coupled with food, rest, and proper grooming the former smuggler looked years younger.

"Yes," Jacek replied with a sad smile. "It's time to go home. I need to try and fix what I can. Maybe find what I'd lost." Jarek heard the resolution in his voice. He figured Jacek was referring to the family his mad quest had cost him. Despite his reluctance, the man desired to move forward. Era's sigh indicated she sensed it as well.

Despite the circumstances of their meeting Jarek was a bit sad to see the man go. Genuinely curious as to what the future held for the wayward treasure hunter, Jarek asked, "And after that?"

Jerking his chin back toward the settlement he said, "B'ura offered me a job moving ryll for the mine." Shouldering his pack, he added, "I'll take him up on the offer, once I've made my peace on the home-front." At a rumble of thunder, his gaze briefly shifted toward the storm before returning to his friends. "It's honest work. More than I deserve." His words were accompanied by a wane smile.

"Well, not too honest," Era teased, "You are still smuggling."

Jacek winked at her and, without missing a beat, stated, "Only if I'm caught." The three of them shared a brief chuckle. As the laughter faded Jacek turned to enter the waiting speeder. With one foot on the runner, he paused. Jacek turned, unslung his satchel, and handed the contents to the Mirialin.

Era gawked as her fingers curled around the base of the Siren's Song. It took a moment of shocked blubbering before she was finally able to form a coherent sentence. "No... you searched so long for it!" she blurted out trying to hand it back, "This is yours!"

"And I found it," he stated gently pushing the treasure deeper into her gasp. "Like you said. 'It's real.' That's enough for me." As his hand slipped away the crystals gave off one last harmonic tone. It floated on the wind, unheard by anyone but them, before fading away.

Still, the bewildered Era couldn't help but ask, "You're sure? Sold to the right collector or museum the Song could set you up for years." In all the emotions of the days following Pybus Jarek hadn't considered the monetary value of the artifact. Jacek was knowingly giving up a small fortune.

Jacek smiled down at her and shook his head. "Credits won't get me my life back. Besides," he locked eyes with Jarek, "I still owe your crew payment for the job. I only wish it was more." He clasped hands with the Captain. "Maybe we'll meet again, but for now my path leads elsewhere."

"Ret'urcye mhi," Jarek replied, "Maybe we'll see each other again." When they released hands, Era stepped forward. She wrapped Jacek in a tight embrace, made slightly awkward by the Siren's Song. After issuing him her own best wishes the old man loaded up into the transport. The pair watched as he sped off toward the Nabat spaceport.

Out of the corner of his eye, Jarek noticed Era contemplating the impressive crown of jewels. She was careful not to rub or tap any of the crystals lest she activates the various notes and tones within. "What will you do with it?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure," she answered without looking away from the treasure. "There's so much emotion attached to this thing, I don't know if I want to sell it or keep it." At that moment she squinted at the rapidly fading silhouette of Jacek's speeder. "You think he'll be okay?" She asked as dust that trailed after the vehicle began to obscure it.

Edge of the Empire: Book 05: Enter the UnknownWhere stories live. Discover now