Chapter 08: Better Left in the Past

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"I don't like it," Madlyn declared, "I don't like it one bit."

"A deal needed to be struck, Maddy," Jarek's voice countered through the communications terminal. Both Tersen and the pilot exchanged wary glances. "Would it have been better to all die in some horrific gunfight?"

The Alderanni slumped back in her seat huffing in disapproval. Jarek had called to let them know that the crew of the Outcast would be cooperating with the Red Pact only a couple minutes prior. In that time both she and Tersen had given their negative opinion on the matter.

"At least then we wouldn't have to share the treasure," she grumbled earning a snort of laughter from her temporary copilot.

There was a bit of chuckling on Jarek's end of the line before Slick's soothing jovial voice piped up. "You are incorrigible my dear," he stated.

Leaning closer, Madlyn pointed an accusatory finger at the console though she spoke directly to her lover. "I bet it was your dumb idea," she snapped in frustration, "you silver tongue devil, you!"

"Actually it was Era's dumb idea," Gare chimed in earning an annoyed 'hey!' from the Mirialin in question.

Outnumbered, Madlyn fell back against her seat, sighing in exasperation. Of course, she didn't want anyone to get hurt. She probably would've made the same deal had she been in their position. The Alderanni just didn't trust Graayl to hold up his end. In fact, she didn't trust any members of the Red Pact as far as she could throw them.

Tersen adequately summed up her thoughts by saying, "You know they will betray you all, yes?"

"More than likely," Jarek replied flatly, "However we have the experts they need to find the treasure. So, until then, we're a team." When neither being responded for a moment Jarek asked, "Did you locate Graayl's ship?"

Rubbing her eyes, she nodded before replying, "Yeah, it's a klick south of the temple. Must've flown in below our scanner range while we dropped off the speeder."

"Oh, so they found a place to land," Jacek grumbled in the background sounding as if he were nearing his wit's end. Madlyn chose to ignore him before glaring through the commlink at Jarek.

"I just want it on the record," she declared jabbing the console again for emphasis, "I do not support this idea. You cannot trust mercenaries!"

"Noted," the Mandalorian replied. There was a pause and a rustling sound before he added, "Headed into the Palace. Comms may get spotty. If you don't hear from us in a few come, get us."

Smirking, the Alderanni crossed her arms, "What? And risk damaging my ship?"

"I'm serious," Jarek retorted with a bit of levity in his tone, "It's cold on this moon and I don't feel like spending the night."

The banter was familiar and welcome. It reminded Madlyn of when it was just Jarek, Slick, and herself. The three of them against the galaxy; smuggling goods and tracking down bounties. Life was simpler when all you had to worry about was your crime-boss shorting you on your pay. Despite their employer's greed, it had been fun times. She almost missed them...almost.

"Good luck," she and Tersen chorused.

"Thanks love," Slick responded with a smile in his tone before the line cut out.

Vortga's Palace:

After a moment of haggling, it was determined that each member of the expedition would get equal shares in the treasure. Unfortunately, that meant the Red Pact would be walking away with the larger portion of the haul. There was only one caveat to the agreement. In return for Era and Jacek's knowledge, the pair would get the first pick of relics. At the very least they would get the Siren's Song which was worth a small fortune by itself. Its historical significance couldn't be understated either.

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