Chapter 06: The Dead Road

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As it turned out Harke wasn't just a herald of woe. The Sakiyan was well-versed in the lore of the Bootana Hutta. He was also familiar with nearly every myth and folktale that circulated Hutt space concerning the old throne worlds. Although he was a valuable source of information, that knowledge, just like everything else on his station, came at a premium price.

"I thought Nar Shaddaa was expensive," Jarek growled as they returned to the Outcast. "We're already taking a hit on just refueling the ship."

"An equal share of the treasure is reasonable," Era said trying to soothe his frustration, but she was having a difficult time convincing herself. It wasn't that she didn't like getting a smaller share, but rather Jacek was promising a portion of a treasure that he neither had nor knew if really existed. They'd fought hard to be free of owing debts to Teemo. She'd rather not owe anything to Harke, no matter how fast he deciphered runes, or how quirky his jokes were.

The Sakiyan was able to translate the coordinates from the hieroglyphs on the statuette to complete Jacek's map. It never would've occurred to Era that a Hutt would use an ancient Evocii numerical cipher. The Evocii, being a slave race and all, had used the cipher to secure communications during their several failed insurrections against the Hutt Empire. Harke had declared that Vortga had been wise to use a code no living Hutt would know of. Era thought paranoid would've been a better description.

Curious, Era asked how the Sakiyan shop owner knew so much about ancient cipher codes. Smiling, Harke responded with an aloof expression, "Ya listen long enough ya can pick up a few things."

In a matter of minutes after boarding the freighter, the Outcast launched and pulled away from The Pearl. After inputting the freshly translated coordinates into the nav-computer they set out on the last stretch of the Dead Road. Madlyn and Tersen opted to stay at the controls to monitor their progress and adjust their course as needed. Even with a destination uploaded there were still many cosmic anomalies they had to account for. Since none of the crew fancied flying through a sun or black hole they agreed to relieve one another as needed

"So now that we have our destination plotted," Tersen said, "Maybe it's about time you explained exactly how you..." the Lannik's voice trailed off unsure how to finish the question, "...obtained...this map?"

The man stood still for a moment, eyes taking on a distant appearance. Era leaned forward and gently nudged him. Jacek blinked as the fog of memory faded from his gaze. He cleared his throat, apologizing. "It's been such a long way; I scarcely know where to begin." Tersen began to open his mouth but at a glare from Era, the Lannik fell silent. Jacek to a moment to organize his thoughts before beginning his tale.

"Pybus is a lush jungle planet deep within the Bootana Hutta," he explained, "The world is completely unspoiled by the Hutts, as they consider the world taboo and steer clear of it." The smuggler made a sweeping gesture. "Hundreds of ruins dot the surface, the signs of civilization once having thrived there." Sighing in disappointment he shrugged before adding, "Who this ancient and forgotten race was is unknown."

The idea of an entire world covered in untouched ruins thrill the young archeologist. Era theorized they could be the remnants of a lost colony of the Rakatan Empire, or possibly even from ancient Ziost. She'd know for sure when they arrived on the planet.

Keeping her thoughts to herself, Era listened, and Jacek continued his story. "Long ago," he said in almost as grave a tone as Harke, "something on Pybus greatly unnerved the Hutts who had gone to settle there. They abandoned the world and declared it unsafe for all Hutts."

"Something that could temper a Hutt's greed?" Jarek questioned a little nervously, "That's disconcerting."

Jacek nodded in agreement. "Over time legends of vengeful spirits and curses began to circulate, further darkening Pybus' reputation." Pulling out the Statuette, the old man eyeballed it saying, "Not one to put stock in legends and folktales, Vortga the Hutt traveled to Pybus almost a thousand years ago and constructed a sprawling complex in one of the more intact ruins." Scoffing he replaced the statuette, adding in an almost mocking tone, "He knew the superstitious Hutts and their servants would not bother him on Pybus, out of fear."

Edge of the Empire: Book 05: Enter the UnknownWhere stories live. Discover now