Chapter Two

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Casters nearby fled for safety while Charlotte, two Guardians, and a few other Warriors fought. Surprisingly, this small battle was going smoothly. It seemed to be easy..

Maybe too easy.

As she fought, Charlotte made sure to be extremely careful. This fight rose too much suspicion in her. She had a bad feeling about this, but she kept fighting. As suddenly as it broke out, the Warriors from Kedal stopped fighting. She noticed one of them had a smirk on their face that they couldn't resist showing.

Before she could do anything, Charlotte felt a sudden force push her back, making her fall to the ground. Others also fell to the ground- no one could expect the outburst. Before she could attempt getting back up, a Kadalian Guardian had landed a hard kick to her side, knocking her onto her back. The wind was suddenly knocked out of her as the Guardian stood on top of her with a boot firmly placed on her torso. Her eye widened in fear as the Guardian held a sword in their hands, ready to make a fatal blow.

The Warriors and Guardians she was fighting alongside had their own enemies to fight. It seemed as if nobody noticed what was going on with each other, too consumed in battle.

Was this where Charlotte would die? In her own kingdom..?


No. She wouldn't let it end in this pathetic way. Not now.

With determination and adrenaline coursing through her, she used a quick burst of magic to catch the Guardian off-guard. The Guardian lifted their boot from her torso, giving her the perfect opportunity to fight back. Charlotte got up and engaged in a quick-paced battle with the Guardian. When she noticed weaknesses in them, she started to use them to her advantage. It seemed to be going alright until she heard a loud cry of pain. She froze, a surge of fear rising through her. She looked to see a Palian Warrior had received a substantial wound and was now bleeding on the ground. Time stood still for Charlotte, her mind now racing to think of how she could help them. She wanted to help, but she was stuck in her own fight. She wondered if she could try to call out for a Healer or at least do something to protect them.

She was snapped out of her thoughts as she felt a sudden pain in her stomach.

Charlotte soon fell to the ground in pain, feeling herself start to bleed out. She had been distracted from her battle and the Guardian used this to their advantage. As she felt herself slowly losing consciousness, she saw reinforcements coming for all those fighting for Palia. Her vision blurred as she saw a familiar face come to her side.

It was Max, rushing over.

As she watched a blurry fight suddenly commence between him and the Kedalian Guardian, a memory of earlier went through her mind.

"Hey, Charlotte. I was wondering when you'd come over. Did you get distracted again?" Max had asked her. "Heh, yeah... Sorry about that." She said, and he chuckled in response.

She silently cursed herself for becoming distracted again- especially during a battle- before her vision went dark and she lost all consciousness.

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