Chapter Four

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[Third Person POV]

Max went next to Charlotte and gave her a gentle hug. Charlotte hugged him back, smiling. After a moment, they let go of each other. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there before... I should have been there to make sure everything would go alright.." Max said, a shameful tone in his voice. "It's alright, there was no way any of us could have known what was going to happen," Charlotte replied. Max looked up at her to see her giving a warm, gentle smile. He smiled back.

Around other Casters, Soldiers, and Warriors, she would give off a tough, determined attitude- it was what she as used to giving off. But when it came to being with Max, it felt like she was a completely different person. She was dorky, fun, and kind around him. Max couldn't help but feel glad when she let down her guard with him around. However, he also felt pity that she learned to act differently around others- especially since she never acted that way until the day she came back wounded.

[Time Skip]

After a few days, Charlotte was able to continue her duties normally. She trained just as much as she usually would, went on missions when she was told to, and even relaxed with Max when they had the spare time to.

Eventually, Charlotte was assigned to a mission that Max was going to be going on with her. The mission was simple: Scout the Melian Kingdom's Fortress and gather whatever information you can about their plans. A rumor had been spread throughout Mysteria that they were preparing to attack one of the Kingdoms.

At first, everything seemed normal in their mission. Charlotte took one area of the fortress to gather information while Max had taken another area. With the way all the Soldiers, Warriors, and Guardians acted, it seemed like they were successfully undetected.

It seemed like an eternity of waiting to only find out nothing useful at all about the rumor. Charlotte and Max left the area to meet up with each other. "What should we do now?" Charlotte asked. "I say we stay a while longer to see if they say anything about it. If we don't hear anything after around... fifteen minutes, then we'll head back. Does that sound good?" Max said in response, and she nodded. Just as they were going to head back to their separate areas, both Max and Charlotte heard the sounds of Guardians approaching. They quickly turned to each other and went to hide. After a moment, the Guardians seemed to stop nearby.

"Where did they go?"

"I swear I saw them come over here.."

Max noticed the Guardians were looking around for them, somehow knowing there were scouting the area. Max and Charlotte started silently thinking about what might have given them away when they suddenly heard a Guardian say:

"I found one!"

They both froze when Max saw a Guardian was pointing over to where he was trying to hide. The other Guardians soon gathered around him, ready to attack. Max let out a burst of energy to attack, sure enough a fight broke out. Charlotte tried to stay hidden while using her own magic to help him out as much as she could (so she could attack without being in the open). Although her magic did help, he was still losing the fight because he was outnumbered.

Two of the Guardians eventually looked around to see where the other magic was coming from while the rest (only around three others) continued their fight with Max. Charlotte suddenly came out of the spot she was hiding in and sent a burst of energy at the Guardians. It was enough to send the two Guardians stumbling back. A fight soon commenced between her and the two Guardians. Max felt concerned for her again when he noticed this, but he quickly had to shake it off as he dodged an attack from one of the three Melian Guardians he was fighting. The two separate fights eventually came together to become one large fight.

It was going decently with Max and Charlotte helping each other out when they needed it. But as they fought, they felt the force coming at them start to weaken, as if one had left. While continuing to fight, Charlotte paid attention to how many were fighting in front of them.

One, two, three...



Something isn't right, there aren't the same number as before. Where is the other-

She suddenly looked behind Max to see a Guardian was right behind him, about to attack. She started to let out a warning and rushed over to assist him.

She was too late.

A cry of pain escaped from Max as he was stabbed by a spear in the shoulder. The Guardian eventually pulled out the spear. He fell on one of his knees, holding a hand to his shoulder in pain.

Charlotte's heart dropped.

Now she understood how it felt for him every time he saw her wounded. It was one of the worst feelings she ever had.

But she was going to take action, no matter what.

She made sure he was going to be alright, although it didn't seem like a fatal wound. Max gave her reassurance, saying he'll be fine and to continue fighting. After that, Charlotte turned to fight the Guardians with all the strength she had.

Somehow, she was eventually able to fend them off, causing them to retreat.

She was surprised, but she quickly shook it off to go to Max's side. His hand was now covered in his own blood, which started to concern Charlotte, but he gave her reassurance again, saying "I'm going to be fine. It isn't a serious wound, don't worry. Let's just head back to get to a Healer, alright?" Charlotte nodded and proceeded to walk back to Palia with Max.

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