Chapter Nine

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[Irene's POV]

Max and I were talking about different things in the time we could, and we slowly got to know one another more. He also started talking about Charlotte and how she was like. I could tell they were close with one another, and it must have been heartbreaking finding out she left. I found out why she left: She felt as if she didn't belong in her own Kingdom. Something about that felt very familiar, but I didn't understand why. As we were sitting in silence for a moment, a few more images came into my mind, along with a melody:

I saw the girl with Max as they sang a song together and sat underneath a tree. They seemed to be so happy and carefree, and they both seemed younger than other images I'd see.

Before I knew it, I hummed a bit of the melody they were singing together. I heard him gasp as I quickly stopped. "How... how did you know that melody..?" He asked me, and I soon replied that I didn't know. "There's no way you'd happen to know it, that was the song Charlotte and I sang together before. Seriously, how do you know that song?" He said, anger seeming to rise in his voice. "Look, I honestly don't know how I knew that melody! As familiar as things feel to me, I don't even remember anything with you or even who Charlotte is!" I started to become concerned that I did something wrong because he started raising his voice a bit more as he stated, "That's the thing! You say you're so familiar with my name and Charlotte's name but you don't remember a single damn thing! How?!" "I-I don't-" He quickly interrupted me, raising his voice to the point where he was yelling at me. I started shaking, things seeming way too loud right now. As I found myself whispering to myself practically begging him to stop for a moment, more images came again:

I was looking at a King that I did not recognize, just coming back from a mission. I had failed, and the King was yelling. I couldn't make out everything he was saying, but I knew it was directed at me.

Max comforting the same girl since the loud noises around them were too much for her at the time. He was apologizing to her about something he had done previously.

When I stopped seeing the images, I noticed that I was against the wall, holding my knees. He had stopped yelling- he was more calling out my name. "Hey, are you... Are you alright? I'm so sorry, it's just... I wasn't expecting to hear the song her and I did again from someone I'm just barely getting to know. I don't know much about what you've been through, and it might have just been some coincidence or something... I know it hasn't been years since I've seen her, but so many different things are not the same without her in the Kingdom.." He let out a sigh, apologizing for his tangent he went on. After taking a moment to regain my composure, I replied, "It's ok, I... understand what you mean. Being with someone you've known for a long time makes you so used to having them that once it changes, it changes your perspective on things, too..." I stopped, looking down at the ground. I was soon about to speak up again before I heard Venkalth calling for me to meet with him for a mission. Before I left the cell, I looked at him and asked, "what would you say to going outside for a while if it can be allowed? I'm sure we both could need that soon, and I'm sure it isn't the best staying in the cell." He soon nodded, giving me a smile. I couldn't help but smile back at him and nod before leaving.

[Time Skip]

Venkalth wants Max and I to spar together, but he's going to let us go outside for a while- just as long as I keep an eye on him and keep him in handcuffs. He seemed reluctant to let us go out for a bit, but he still allowed it. I went down to Max and let him know what we'd be doing before we left. A forest was nearby the Kingdom, and we both thought it'd be a good place to go for a little while. We sat down and talked a bit, enjoying the fresh air we were able to get for a while. In the middle of some conversations we'd have, I'd get an image again, and Max would soon be snapping me out of it. He talked about how Charlotte would get the same way too sometimes and he'd be snapping her out of it when they needed it. Soon enough, the time we had outside was up, so we had to head back inside to spar.

We grabbed our weapons in the training area and soon enough, we were fighting.  His attacks were strong, yet somehow predictable in certain points. The fight seemed evenly matched, and it went on for a while with both of us getting small cuts and wounds. We were still fighting as strongly as we could, but we were slowing down from exhaustion. "Good job, you too!~ If you can, I'd like you to push a little bit more for a bit. I get the feeling you two are holding back at least a little bit. Pick yourselves up and continue whenever you're ready!~" Venkalth said.  Sure enough, we started back up our sparring again. We were both pushing each other more than before. At some points, he  made substantial attacks and made some deep cuts, although they weren't serious enough to stop the spar. Soon, he found a weak spot and he was eventually able to knock me to the ground. Before I could get up, he was swinging his own sword to slash across my face. I felt my eye widen in fear as I quickly put up my arms to cover my face, but it was too late.

He shattered my mask and left a deep cut in my arm.

I heard him gasp as the pieces of my mask fell to the ground. I covered my face, turning away from Max. Venkalth quickly called off the spar, rushing over to help get something to cover my face. I don't know how much Max saw my face, his reaction could be shock from shattering the mask possibly?

[Max's POV]

When we were sparring, I noticed Irene's fighting style was very similar to Charlotte's. The way she blocked, dodged, attacked, everything. I tested different things with her and it showed their styles were very similar. Irene's had a small difference to it: she could be more cautious and mindful of how she dodged and how she made a strike, along with being cautious of her weak points and paying attention to mine.

Eventually, we were starting to get tired from how long we had been sparring. The King called for a bit more of a spar, and so we did. I was able to knock Irene down to the ground at one point, and I decided to try a slash to see how she would react without realizing how late she'd react to it.

For the first time, I saw a glimpse of Irene's face- and it only confirmed what I've been thinking for a while:

I think I found Charlotte.

The scar on her eye was the exact same as Charlotte's. Her eye color was the exact same.

But why did she say she didn't know her own name? And why did she say her name was Irene?

I should have known it could have been her because of the song...

What happened to the kind, strong, dorky Warrior I knew?

This stuck with me for quite a while as I stood there in shock, not knowing what to do as the King helped "Irene". She said she felt things were familiar, but she didn't recognize it. Maybe something happened with her memory? If that's the case, then there must be something I can do to get her memories back. I decided that at some point, I'll try something with her to see if I can help her.

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