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Hello Semi
I want to talk to you after practice tomorrow. Also bring Shirabu. Its important


Just a few words and he still gets angry. He dont want to talk to coach because he knows, what this is gonna be about. He sighs and walks towards the bed room. 

He grabs some clothes to sleep in and crawls into his bed. He just stares up. He cant fall asleep, so he decides to scroll through hid phone. Eventually he gets tired and falls asleep.

Biep bop- Semis alarm  went off.

He grumpily gets up and walks towards his bathroom to brush his teeth. Then to changes. 'I dont wanna go to practice.' Slowly hes walking into the small kitchen to make himself a toast.

He finishes eating and grabs his stuff. He locks the door of his dorm and stars walking to the gym. He hums to the song he recently wrote. 

That is one reason he doesnt have a roommate. Mostly he plays guitar till the morning and just doesnt sleep. His roommate didnt like that and pulled a Karen. As a result his roommate became a new dorm. Semi didnt got a new roommate till now.

But he didnt really wanted one. Its so much easier when you dont have a roommate. Basically he can do what he wants, like playing guitar or have random sleepovers.

He walks inside the club room to change.

At this moment Taichi is trying to wake Shirabu up.. "KENJI!!" Shirabu pulls the blanket over his head. "WE HAVE PRACTICE AND YOU KNOW THE COACH ISNT CALLED DEMON COACH FOR NOTHING!" Shirabu sighs and stands up. "Ill be there in 5 minutes." Taichi leaves the room. Kenjirou went to brush their teeth and then he changes. "Im ready Taichi" Taichi turned around. "Okay lets go."

The two arrive at the gym and look around. Almost everyone is there except for the coach. Satori looks over to them. "Hurry up you two! Coach is gonna be here soon!" They nodded and went changing.

They walk into the gym. Semi walks over to Shirabu. "Hey Shirabu." Shirabu looks Semi into his eyes. "Yeah Semi-san?"  Semi paused a few seconds. He really dont want to do this. "Uhh coach want to talk to us after practice." Shirabu nods.

Then Semi goes back to Satori and they talk about the Shōnen Jump that came out recently. Semi looks annoyed. Then the coach comes in. Morning People. Everyone do the same at yesterday. Shirabu you practice your sets with Ushijima and Taichi practice with Tendou."

"YES COACH" Everyone yells and starts to practice. Shirabu walks over to Wakatoshi. "Are you ready to practice Shirabu?" Shirabu nods. "Yeah I am."

They start practicing. Shirabu sets the ball to Ushiwaka, he spikes the ball and then he gave Shirabu advice how he could do it better. 

After a while the practice ends and almost everyone went to change. Except Shirabu and Semi. They stay in the gym and wait for the coach to come. Washijo walks up to them. 

"Boys. I really need to talk to you. I watched you two during practice today and I was thinking of replacing you Semi with Shirabu. I think you should become a pinch server."

Semi knew it. He knew it from the start. 

Shirabu looks over to Semi. Shirabu has a worried look on his face. It seems like they wanted to say something, but he didnt.

 "Yes coach." Semi said with a little hint of sadness in his voice. Shirabu dont say anything. Hes in his own thoughts at this moment. He doesnt want to be the start setter anymore. He feels so guilty. Just when Kenjirou looks at Semis face he sees pain and just wants to hug him.

The coach leaves. "Semi-san I-" They get interrupted.

"No. Jut leave me alone right now." Semi leaves. Shirabu follows him with his eyes and sighs. Then he also leaves the gym to change. 

Taichi waits for Shirabu to change and then they start walking to class. "Kenji why did the coach want to talk to you?" Shirabu looks down. "Im the start setter now.." Shirabu says quietly. Kawanishi now has a confused look on his face. 

"Are you not happy about it?" Shirabu shook his head. "Well I am happy, but also not? It was just painful to see Semi-san like that." Taichi smiled a bit. "So the little Tsundere cares for others~?" 

Shirabu glares over to Kawanishi. "Okay fuck you. We only know each other for 3 days. You cant say if Im a Tsundere or not." Taichi rolls his eye. "Yeah sure."

The rest of the walk is silent. Shirabu is pissed and Kawanishi just doesnt have anything to say.

The class ends and Shirabu packs his things to go the rooftop with Kawanishi. "Hey Taichi." Taichi smiled. "Yo Kenji." Both start walking to the rooftop.

They were about to push the door open when Shirabu hears a familiar voice. He turns around just to see their upperclassmen. "SHIRABOOBS AND TAICHI-KUN!" Tendou screams. Semi looks annoyed and Ushiwaka has his usual unbothered look on his face.

"Hello Tendou-san!" They said. Shirabu just stays silent. 

It is a bit uncomfortable for Shirabu. He just feels like Semi hates him now.

The five walk up to the roof and sat down where they sat yesterday. 

Everyone could feel the awkward tension between Eita and Shirabu. Even Ushijima and he is dense. Tendou tried to make anything better but nothing helps.

"Eita?" Semi looks to Ushiwaka. "Yeah?" "Are you okay? You seem to be in a bad mood since earlier." Shirabu looks down. "Yeah Im fine." Suddenly Shirabu stands up. "I know your not okay and I know its  my fault." Semi wants to say something but Shirabu interrupts again. " 'Its not your fault'?Is that what you wanted to say?" Semi stays silent. "You want to be the start setter and now I am the start setter. Of course its my fault. So dont say its my fault"

Shirabu rushes out. They feel like they ruined everything. His friendship with Semi, just because he joined the volleyball club. Would it be better if he never joined the club? Tears are streaming down his face.

'Why do I even care so much? Ive never cared so much for a person.' They run to his dorm. He dont want to go to class today. He opens the door and slams it really hard close. He stops. He cries really loud. He just feels so much guilt and he doesnt even know why. 

He just sat there on their bed,hugging a pillow. After a bit they hear a door open, but Kenjirou doesnt bother to turn around and face the person. "Taichi leave me alone." The person dont listen to Shirabu and sits besides him. Then Shirabu turns around.

"Taichi I-" It wasnt Taichi. It was Tendou. "Tendou-san? What are you doing here?" Satori smiled a bit. "I wanted to check up on you. How are you?" They dont answer. "You dont need to answer me, but I think it would be better if you talk about it."

"I- I dont know  why but I feel so fucking guilty. I wanted to be the main Setter since I came here but now it just feels wrong. When I saw Semis face when coach told us that this morning, I felt so much guilt. I- I dont wanna be in this club anymore. Why do I even care so much about this dumb but handsome idiot!?" So much tears were steaming down their face.

"It just hurt seeing his face while coach talked to us. I wanted to hug him right there. Its all my fault that he looked like this and his bad mood. I- " He was sobbing really hard. 

Tendou doesnt say anything. He just listens the whole time and at the end of the ranting Satori hugs them. "Okay now listen. Its not your fault for being an asshole and also nobody knew that you would be better than him. Of course its sad that he cant be the start setter now, but he will get over it. Dont blame yourself now."

Shirabu looks down.

"Why do I care so much for him..."

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