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Time went by and the two were still happy in their relationship. Everything was perfect. But Eventually it was time for Semi to graduate. That means Kenjirou and Eita wont see each other for a while.

"Eita?" Semi turns around. "Kenji-..rou?"Shirabu cries a bit. The younger rushes over to hug the older, who returns the hug."Can you promise me something?"Semi nods.

"Please never forget me. I know you wanna play in a band and we probably wont see each other in the next few years and Im sure you will get popular, I mean your music is amazing. So please just never forget me and wait for me." 

Semi now also has tears in his eyes. "Of course. I will never forget you. Your my partner after all and I love you so damn much. I try to come as fast as I can back here to Japan. You finish high school and then go to college. Im sure Ill get back in your second or third year of college."

They kiss one last time. One last time before Semi leaves Japan to go to a college in America. He wants to get better in playing guitar. Even when that means he needs to leave Shirabu for a few years.

Semi didnt actually want to go since he started dating Shirabu,but Shirabu convinced him to go, because Semi always wanted to go there.And for Shirabu, he actually dont want Semi to go, but they also dont want to ruin his dream to go to this university. 

Shirabu is really insecure actually. Theyre scared that Semi finds someone better in america. Someone who is sweet, doesnt insult Semi. Someone who can actually show love to Semi.

Something Shirabu cant. Expressing his love. When he does that it just ends up in a battle of insults. He even asked Semi once if he really wants to be with him even tho he mostly insults Semi. Semi simply replied that he dont mind that, actually he liked their relationship how it is. He could never imagine their relationship different. Its just perfect how it is.

Then Semi breaks the kiss and looks Shirabu into eyes. "Kenjirou..I love you so much. I sill come back for you."  Shirabu smiles. "I hope you do dumbass. but I love you too." Now the two have the same stupid smile like when they confessed to each other.

Again in their little bubble, that no one could break for that moment. Just them. But this moment didnt last long. It was time to leave. Semi needs to go to the airport.

Semi doesnt want that Shirabu accompany him to the airport. He wouldnt go if he did that. Its painful enough just leaving Japan. Leaving him here. Right now, when he is crying. 

Semi turns around and slowly begins to walk. He hops that Shirabu tells him to stay and find a college here in Japan, but this doesnt happen.

Actually Kenjirou wanted to scream at Semi, that he should stay with him in Japan, but thats an selfish act. That could ruin Semis future, so he didnt.

They just let him go. It breaks him if hes honest. To Shirabus luck their Kohai, Goshiki, stands nearby and sees him crying. 

"Shirabu-senpai? Are you okay?" The older looks to the younger and nods. Goshiki makes a worried face. "I have a feeling that your not. Do you maybe.. want a hug?" He opens his arms. Shirabu hesitates to hug him, but he does. That is exactly what he needs at the moment.

They may not get along every time, but you can see that they actually care for each other. "Is it because Semi-senpai leaves?" Shirabu says nothing. He just stays silent and Goshiki takes that as a yes.

"You know, Shirabu-senpai, if you ever need a hug again, Im here to hug you." This makes Kenjirou smile a bit. "Thanks, bowl cut brat." Goshiki huffs. "Im trying to be nice for once and you insult me again." They break the hug. "Duh."

Goshiki gasps. "DID- DID YOU JUST SAY DUH???" Shirabu rolls his eyes. "You know, Im also a Teenager like you and I say this stuff." Goshiki smiles awkward. "Right-"

From this day, the two did more together. Taichi was a bit worried about Goshiki tho, but later they just shrugged it of, when he saw that the two actually get along together.

~time skip brought to you by Goshikis ego~

Four years went by. Four years the two didnt see each other once. Shirabu and Semi slowly lost the contact to each other, but Shirabu know that Semi would come back to him or at least he hopes that. Semi was just too busy with his career and Shirabu mostly studied to become a doctor.

Neither really realized that due their busy schedules. Sometimes they missed hearing the voice of the other, but they didnt bother to call the other, because they could be busy. Nobody really want to bother the other.

Semi did great in these past four years. He attended the University he always dreamed of and became a really good musician.He also found a few people to start a band. They became quiet popular.

Semi really had fun, but something was missing. Something what keeps him happy. He knows that something was missing, but he couldnt go back just now. Just a bit longer.

Shirabu in the other hand did okay. He really misses Semi. There wasnt a day he didnt thought of Semi, but he was to scared to call him. He always thought 'He could be busy' or 'It would annoy him when I call him.'

So every time he wanted to, he just didnt. His insecurities were just to big. 

Kawanishi and Shirabu are still in contact, but it isnt as much as before. Taichi moved to Tokyo. The two only see each other once every two month. But thats enough for them. 

The friendship with Goshiki also went better. They met up almost every weekend and just talk about random shit that happened in their life. The two really enjoy the company from the other.

Shirabu is already a fourth year med student. Kinda sad, because Semi still havent come back yet, but he still has his hopes up. Semi promised him to come back and he wouldnt break that promise, right?

But still it hurts. Shirabu cant help but think that the older found someone better and replaced Shirabu. He is just scared that he would never come back, but Goshiki always said that this cant be true. Semi loved him too much for that. 

Thats what Goshiki always says. The only problem is, that Shirabu slowly began to not believe him. They know that Goshiki is right, but somehow he just cant believe him. He wants to, but he cant. 

One day Shirabu is studying like every other day, till he gets a call. "Kenjirou. Its been a while!" Shirabu hears a voice. A voice he havent heard in a while.

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