Chapter 13: Fred's Confession

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It was now a few days since the Yule Ball. I have felt terrible. After Cedric kissed me he asked if we could just stay friends and I agreed. He liked Cho and I like Fred so it was just better this way.  Cedric and I are just friends so Fred doesn't have to worry about anything. 

My birthday was coming up soon which I am really excited for. Dad and Uncle Remus said that they have a surprise for me, which I am more than excited about. 

Fred and I still haven't talk to each other and it is starting to really take a toll on me. I just wish that the fight that went down never happened in the first place. A part of me just wants to run to Fred and apologize, but the other part of me wants him to apologize first.  He was in the wrong right? 

I went down to the common room after a good night sleep. I haven't got a good night sleep in a long time.  I usually spend my night, laying awake on my bed and thinking about the fight that Fred and I had. It would sometimes make me shed a few tears and sometimes just make me angry. However last night, I had finally gotten a good nights rest. 

Once I entered the common room I saw that no one else was here except a familiar mop of ginger hair sitting on the common room couch. I had attempted to go around Fred however I felt him grab my wrist. 

"Y/N, can we please talk out this fight? It's killing me." Fred said. I thought for a bit if this was a good idea. I have to admit as well however that it has been killing me as well. However I would rather not talk out a fight in the common room. Anyone could walk in and people are nosy. Plus if someone heard then they might spread it around. And this is Hogwarts that we are talking about. Everyone here is nosy. 

I looked back at Fred who was looking at me with a pleading look. I sighed and nodded my head. "However, not here. Anyone could be listening in." I stated and then I heard two giggles. I looked over and behind the curtains was George and Lee. 

"Really guys?" I asked them. I knew that someone would be here listening in. "Yes really Y/n/n." Lee replied. I rolled my eyes and playfully shook my head. "Do you want to go walk around the lake. George and Lee don't want to leave the castle." Fred whispered to me and I nodded my head. 

We walked out of the common room in a very awkward silence. I was avoiding Fred's eyes at all costs.  Fred and I walked past a few people who turned their heads at us. Guess like news traveled fast that we were in a fight.  Well it is Hogwarts and gossip spreads like wildfire.  Uncle Remus said that back in the 70s, gossip spread even more than it does today. So whatever that means. 

The two of us had finally got out of the castle without a problem and went down near the lake. We started walking around the lake, we both weren't talking and it was a very awkward but yet comfortable silence. 

"I'm sorry for the way that I acted the night of the Yule Ball." Fred blurted out. I was taken back by surprise.  I guess that he was as well and he put his hand over his mouth. I put my hand up to his and took it off of his mouth. "You can keep speaking just so you know." I joked and he chuckled a bit in reply. 

Fred then sighed and opened his mouth to continue again. "Look what I am trying to say is when the Yule Ball was announced I had this vision in mind of how it would go like and it was the complete and other opposite of what I had imagined it would be like." He confessed. I nodded my head for him to continue. However he didn't get the message. 

"Continue." I said and he nodded his head. "I had this vision that it would be us dancing together, not you and Cedric and not me and Angelina.  I had this vision that we would be the ones getting drunk together not me sitting around, moping, by a table with my younger brother and his best friend." Fred said and I giggled a bit. 

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