Chapter 3

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"Wow, it's gonna be a hard year.  Good thing it's our last right Jess?"  Austin said elbowing my already throbbing arm.  Stupid jocks don't know how to respect girls, especially in the hallways. I swear if it wasn't for Candy or Austin, I'd be pretty damn convinced I was invisible.  

I just nod watching as everybody in the lunch room gush about all their rich plans.   However my mind was set on the last teacher I have.  His name, I swear is so familiar! I've heard it before! 

Hemmings...Hemmings....ugh I can't remember.

I decide to let it go, maybe it's  nothing.  I mean a million people have the same last names right? Plus there's no way he'd ever move here.

"It's only been half a day and every girl in school is either obsessed over jocks or the sexy new teacher."  Candy complains sitting down across from us, allowing the food on her tray to bounce up in the air. 

"I know right!  Tell me this just a sick dream, please!"   Austin agrees rolling his beautiful eyes before they widen with shock.  I wave my hand infront of his face, "Austin?  Austie?  Heellooooo....."   I sigh giving up as the cafeteria got quiet. 

My gaze followed everyone else's cautious stares.   A guy,  blonde hair styled in an wave, extraordinarily tall,  and from here looked to be pretty attractive.  I caught my mouth hanging open, my eyes wide.

He walked in a sway almost looking like a skyscraper swinging from the wind.  Looking as if he owned this place.  His heavy footsteps can be heard echoing through the whole room.   Nobody dared to speak, he didn't even look like he had a care in the world.  Was he even human?

As he passes the jock table, Rett the captain of the football team (also the one I used to have crush on), calls out to him,  "Wassup Mr. Hemmings?!"  Rett jumps up "bro hugging"  the attractive boy.  This caused the entire jock table to course in hellos. 

Wait a second,  Mr. Hemmings?!  You've got to be kidding?! There's no fucking way this boy is a teacher!  Atleast not MY teacher!  My teacher...Omg I'm dead. 

My thought suddenly flash backed to the bet my friends made yesterday. 


"Okay so tell me about your adorably cute guys that you meet tomorrow! I wanna here all about them! Maybe you will find...the one."  He said dreamily.  I scoff but my smile remained.  "I doubt there will be anyone I even have an interest in, Austin."  

"Mhm...It'll be a smoking hot teacher, probably.  How much you wanna bet?"  My eyes widened,  "I do NOT fall for teachers! Never will!"  "I bet $50!"  "Candy! Don't make a bet you know you're gonna loose!" "I'm not gonna loose. I have a feeling theres gonna be something new this year." I shake my head and sigh.

She's gonna loose that bet.  I know that for sure.

-End Of Flashback-

Oh shit.

I took a sharp breath as my ribs got elbowed out of my chest.  Austin's lustful gaze was still on Hemmings, who was headed right towards this table.  My breath hitched.

His blue eyes lock with mine as a small smirk made its way to his face.  He completely walked past us.  Not even a single word. 

Those eyes...I know those beautiful blue eyes.  A billion memories came with those blue eyes.  So many memories that caused not only my head to ache, but my heart as well.

It was him.  That same smirk, those same eyes, the way he walks, but his hair is different,  he's gotten a lot taller.  You could definitely tell that puberty hit him like a ton of bricks.  But there was absolutely no doubt that that teacher was my Australian best friend,  Luke Hemmings.  


He didn't even recognize me, not one bit.  I had just a smudge of hope in my heart that he would.  But it all crashed an hour ago.  I walked into his math class and sat here for an hour. A fucking hour! He hasn't even noticed me and if he did he has become an amazing actor.  But the Luke I used to know was a terrible actor, you could always tell when he'd lie. 

When he called my name on roll, it slipped so easily from his tongue.  He didn't even stop or hesitate almost as if he's never heard it before.  Has he forgotten?  My heart stopped at my own thoughts.

He's forgotten about me.


Before I knew it, the bell sounded making students cheer and run out the room. 

I sigh and cram my books into my bag, slinging it over my still aching shoulder.   Being slammed into lockers hurt worse than you'd think. 

I took a side glance at Mr. Hemmings while I fast walk out of the class room.  I had survived my first day of senior year.   I haven't been bullied once.  Maybe there was hope for this year. 

"Jess!"  Candy came running up to me grabbing my shoulders before screaming in my face, "I just met the hottest guy ever!  He's the one with the huge muscles we stood behind in line, remember?!"  

"Shh, calm down.  And of course I remember, how could I forget." I wink at her, draping my arm in hers as we made our way to our apartments.

"He's Australian and absolutely funny!  He asked for my number and I just couldn't resist!  I'm starting to wonder if he knows Mr. Hemmings.  Ya know since they are aussies?" 


Hello x sorry this is so short, but people are wanting me to update so here ya go.  A little somthing. It hasn't been edited yet so sorry for my mistakes.  Love ya xoxo

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