Chapter 2

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"Hmm how about this one?" Candy holds a pair of black and white checkered skinny jeans. "Well maybe on Jess but not you. You need like party clothes or something, cause let's face it that's your life right?" Austin threw the fabric at me looking at the rack behind him.

"Ah ha! This should do perfectly for you!" I huffed as he picked up a floral dress that was rather pretty, "Uh how about no. I don't do flowers. I hate girly things. You know that!" I turned away in disgust, Austin chirped up begging me to atleast try it on. Eventually I agreed.  I shouldn't have.


"How does it look?" I walked out of the changing room hoping this would be the last outfit for today. I was beyond exhausted and so far I've got 10 new outfits. Is that enough?!

"Oh girl! Your bum looks so delicious I might just turn straight for you!" Austin said just a little too loud, earning some unwanted glares from the old ladies across the room.

I blushed in embarrassment and slapped his arm, giggling while Austin rambled on about my butt. Except quieter this time.


"Okay girls! I'll carry the bags out to the car and meet you at the ice cream shop!" I almost protested but he ran off with all 6 shopping bags in his arms before I could even move. Well okay then. I'll admit, he may be gay but I swear that boy has muscle.

If he wanted he could beat up three guys at one time, he's just not into violence. He absolutely hates it.  Reason that Candy and I haven't killed anyone yet.

"So are you nervous for the new year?" Candy smiles walking backwards infront of me, casually checking behind her. 

"Eh, I mean I already know everyone and there's nothing to look forward to besides graduation. So not really, you?" Shrugging I look at the floor almost wishing I had a boyfriend or something to atleast look forward too.  But then I think of what happened last time and I couldn't be happier that I was single.

"It may sound crazy but I'm super nervous! What if I find the one? Omg! What if you find the one?!" Her carmel colored eyes widened while mine shut as I doubled over in fits of laughter.

"Me? Ha! I'd be lucky to find anyone before I'm 40! And then I'll be even less attractive!" She gasps hitting my arm harder than usual.

"Don't say that! You know you're beautiful! What about last year? Huh? Those two guys practically faught over you!" I scoffed, "Candy those guys faught over every girl that passed by them! Remember they did that to Amanda Blackerd and don't forget to you also!"

"True, I can't argue with that." She turned as we entered the shop, the sweet smell of ice cream filling my nostrils. I breathed in deeply allowing it to calm my senses. It took me back to when I was a kid, back before I had a care in the world. I took another sniff only to be met with the strong smell of cologne.

I opened my eyes to see two tallish guys infront of us. Now I'm positive it's coming from one of them. But I can't complain, it smells great.

I could barely hear them talking but as we neared them, standing behind them in line, I noticed their Australian accents.

The guy on the left had crazy curly hair and had an amazing laugh. A laugh that was so contagious it made me smile. The guy on the right had very tan skin and black hair. I could see a tattoo peeking out faintly. Both seemed to be verily attractive from the back...if thats even possible?

Candy nudged me in the ribs, making me squeal, "Ouch! What was that for?!" "Shhh!" She hushed me as the two Aussies turned around. I gasped. It couldn't be...

"Are you okay miss?" The-Calum-Look-Alike asked me as I blush mumbling, "Yeah, Thanks." When they turned around Candy punched me in the arm but I didn't scream this time, thankfully. I gave her a questioning look.

"They just talked to you! Omg they are so hot!" I laugh continuing to roll my eyes. "Yes I guess they are." I'll admit they are attractive but I swear that looks like an older version of Calum. I shook it off as they walk away leaving us to tell our orders.


"I can't believe you did that!" I have been laughing so hard I can't breathe. I about died as Austin belted out yet another seductive comment to a man walking by. "I told you I would do it. You didn't believe me so I had to prove it!" He smirks and added more, "Plus I just wanted to do that without getting blamed. To everyone else it was just a simple dare." I smile and shake my head. What is wrong with that boy? Oh wait, he's messed up.

"Okay so tell me about your adorably cute guys that you meet tomorrow! I wanna here all about them! Maybe you will find...the one." He said dreamily, winking to the both of us. I scoff but my smile remained. "I doubt there will be anyone I even have an interest in, Austin."

"Mhm...It'll be a smoking hot teacher, probably. How much you wanna bet?" My eyes widened, "I do NOT fall for teachers!Never will!" "I bet $50!" "Candy! Don't make a bet you know you're gonna loose!" "I'm not gonna loose. I have a feeling theres gonna be something new this year." I shake my head yet again and sigh.

She's gonna loose that bet. I know that for sure.

Hello guys! :) Thanks for reading, I've been trying to work on this for a while. Sorry if its short again :/ I didnt have much time with Christmas and everything. Lots of love. Xx

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