Part 3

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Back at the station we talked to the local police and gave out a preliminary profile. We were looking for a white male approximately 25-35. A misogynist or someone who feels powerless against woman. It may stem from being mistreated by a woman in his life like a mother or girlfriend.

There wasn't much else we could do but head back to the hotel and get some rest. Praying that another murder wouldn't happen.

While I was grabbing my bag I could hear Reid talking to Morgan in a hushed tone.

"Hey is Y/n alright she seemed a little shaken up" Reid whispered, unknowing that I could hear him.

"It's complicated"Morgan replied taking a pause and I could feel his eyes on me.

"I'll be right back" Derek said.

I heard footsteps approaching and I turned around to see Derek. He gave a small smile and nodded his head for me to follow him. I nodded following him out of the precinct.

"You should've told me" Derek sighed.

"Derek I can't just avoid a case because it brings up a shitty memory" I said folding my arms.

"Y/n what you went through was traumatic and it's clear that what is happening with these girls is affecting you" He said.

"What because my sister got her throat slit" I said through clenched teeth.

Derek could tell I was upset he sighed and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"It's there eyes they looked just like hers full with fear, I just it reminds me of when we found her" I said a stray tear making it's way down my cheek.

"Hotch would understand if you took this case off took some time" He said.

"Derek it's been ten years I have to get over it" I said wiping the tears off my face.

"Hey you don't have to get over it take as long as you want to process this. I'm not going to force you to take a step back from this case but if you ever need to you can. Don't feel like you have to be a badass all the time" Derek said.

I nodded my head and Derek brought me into a hig wrapping his giant arms around my body.

"I am a badass" I muttered.

"I know you are" He chuckled the vibrations of his laugh shaking my body slightly.

We both pulled away and Derek shook my shoulder. Derek had become kind of like a brother to me ever since my soster passed away. She was murdered. Derek and I were already bestfriends. We meet at a youth center and he took me under his wing but ever since my older sister passed he kind of filled the role of being a sibling.

We both walked back into the precinct, Derek's arm still across my shoulders. My eyes were slightly red and you could tell I had been crying. The team noticed but chose not too say anything.

I saw Reid dart his eyes between Morgan and I before swallowing a lump down his throat and turning to face Hotch.

"Let's head back to the hotel" Hotch said.

Just as I was about to leave with the rest of the team Hotch held me back.

"Are you sure your ok,  uh Morgan told me what happened" Hotch said in a hushed tone.

Derek Morgan you little shit.

"Yeah Hotch I'm fine" I said.

He nodded his head and continued walking. I hopped into an SUV with Emily, Derek and Spencer. Derek unfortunately was driving again. Emily was upfront and Spencer and I were in the back. I could see Derek take glances to look back at me in the back seat and everytime I nodded my head to say I was fine.

"Are you alright" Spencer whispered.

"Yeah I'm fine" I replied not lifting my gaze from my lap.

He kept his gaze on me, ahe knew I was lying but didn't want to press it any further.

Once the SUV was parked I quickly got out and made my way to my hotel room. I quickly unlocked it and shit the door leaning my back up against me.

The images lf my older sister Kate's body laying lifeless with her throat slit flashed through my head. I took my head in my hands and slid down the door sitting on the cold hard floor with my knees up to my chest.

This case was affecting me more than I would like to admit it.

"Y/n?" A meek voice asked.

My head snapped up quickly, Spencer was standing at the door which connected our two rooms. I hastily wiped away the tears which had managed to escape through my eyes.

I stood up and ignored him, pretending nothing had happened.

"Something is clearly bothering you" Spencer said.

"Nice work Sherlock" I said sarcastically, Spencer frowned slightly.

"I'm sorry" I apologized for sitting down on my bed.

"What's going on?" He asked me.

"This case just brings up bad memories" I replied.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked nervously.

"Not exactly" I replied staring down at the floor.

"Does uh Derek know?" Spencer asked.

I looked up at Spencer and nodded.

"Yeah, Derek was there when it happened and Hotch knows" I answered.

"Are you and Derek like?" Spencer asked not really wanting to finish his sentence.

"Oh god no" I laughed.

Spencer nodded and I swear he looked somewhat relieved at my answer.

"Derek has been like a brother to me ever since that incident, he's nothing more than that?" I said.

"Oh ok" Spencer replied I could tell he felt awkward about the whole situation.

I looked down at my watch it was starting to get late. Spencer looked down at his own and realized the time standing up from my bed.

"I better get some rest" Spencer said.

"Yeah me too" I replied.

"Goodnight Y/n" Spencer said as he made his way into his room.

"Night Spencer" I called back as he returned to his own room.

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