20. Not again

820 19 44

Luke's POV
Holy shit. Sorry for cursing but a lot has happened. For one Alex and Reg got adopted!!!! I'm so happy for them they deserve such a loving family. Ray told me that the only reason he didn't adopt me was because I was dating Jules and that would be illegal if he adopted me. Of course I understood and don't worry I'll be his son one day if you know what I mean.

If it wasn't clear I wanna marry Jules someday. She's the best thing that's ever happened to be. She makes me a better person and I love her for it. I haven't smoked or had a single drop of alcohol since I've been with her. I used to go to it to seem cool and to relive my stress. But my princess does that for me now , she calms me and she makes me happier. I'm chilling in the living room twiddling my fingers when I hear a knock on the door. Thinking nothing of it I go to the door. When I opened it I tell you anger has not flowed through my body as fast as it did in that moment.

Warning ⚠️ Cursing

Me : The fuck do you want?

Nick : woah dude chill I'm here for Julie

Me : no the fuck your not you piece of shit she doesn't want to see you after that black eye you gave her

Nick : well she deserved it that slut needed it after getting with you instead of me

Me : I'll give you 5 more seconds

My fists were tight and I was gritting my teeth giving this dick a cold glare. Who does he think he is? Showing up for Julie after he beat her in front of me calling her a slut?!

Nick : Fine fine but

He came closer to whisper in my ear

Nick : the next time you leave her alone I'll be back and steal your little bitch away from you understand? And don't think I wouldnt cause baby I would. Wouldn't you love to see your whores legs wrapped around me instead?

Luke : Get.The.Fuck.Out.Of.Here.Now

Nike : bye bye pretty boy

He winks at me and gets back in his pussy of a car and drives off. All I could think of now was Jules in a bad way. What if he did come back? What if she gets hurt again? What if I lose her? I can't lose her! I- I....

I need a drink.....

I walk into the garage to see my princess and the boys sitting on my couch. I walked up to Jules to peck her and she notices the sad but angry look on my face and cups it with her sweet gentle hands.

Jules : Baby what's wrong? What happened?

Me : I'm okay princess I just need to go somewhere real quick

Jules : You sure you don't want me to come with you? You seem really tense. Maybe a kiss and a cuddle will make it better?

I nod my head as she pulls me in from a hug and a quick kiss. I slightly felt better but then it hit me again

Me : I have to go. Reg? Alex? Can you watch her while I'm gone. I'm worried enough as it is

I didn't mean to say that last part but the boys nodded without question.

Me : Bye guys I'll be back in an hour or so

Jules : ok be back soon love you

Me : love you too princess more than life itself

I turned away from her and ran out the door. Normally she would have calmed me but I can't deal with this much stress about her. So ima do the thing I haven't done in a while , I'm gunna drink a beer or two.

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