32. Im Worried for Him (the day after)

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Julies POV
Okay so yesterday was ..... eventful to say the least. Okay it was a real shit show let's be honest. Luke and I sat outside the school til at least 11 until when went home and boy was he tired. I guess with the whole uncontrollable rage thing he got a bit worn out. So now I'm laying in my bed (yes I've learned to sleep in it now without any flashbacks) staring at the ceiling with Luke wrapped around my waist laying his head on my stomach sleeping soundly. I move just a little bit cause the position I was in was really uncomfortable and see his puppy dog eyes flutter open.

Luke (in his sleepy voice) : morning princess

Me : morning love how's ur headache?

Luke : a little better compared to yesterday

Me : that's good

Luke : can you do me a favor?

Me : sure what's up?

Luke : can you get me some Advil?

Me : sure I need to borrow your car tho

Luke : why?

Me : to get more Advil and tampons

Luke : if it's that much trouble I could go you just have to tell me what kind you need

Me : I appreciate the offer but I'm fine with taking a drive. Where are your keys?

Luke : on the counter downstairs I think. Still a little bit of fuzziness from yesterday

Me : alright I'll check bye bye

I kissed the top of his forehead and he moves a little so I can get up. I don't really feel like changing from my pjs so I walk downstairs, grab the keys off the couch not the counter and head for t he front door

Me : Dad I'm going to the store!

Dad : Alright see you soon!

Me : Ok bye!

I go out the front door and unlock Luke's car and head to the store.

Luke's POV

Jules just went to the store and I somehow found myself in the corner of the room with tears and sweat falling off my face. I can hear the voices of everyone who's fucked with my feelings circling around in my head

Nick ; Bet you're already picturing her legs wrapped around me

Tyler ; Come on Lucas be a man and break the thing

Rick ; Smoke more Lucas I'm sure you're mom would be proud

Emily : A band is not a career Lucas and it's causing you to choose a different lifestyle

Alex's mom ; Luke certainly you don't support Alex and you're with us and not with this fag (sorry for the f slur but it's important for his bad memories)

I started feel my blood boil , my heart beat quicken and grit my teeth. Next thing i know I loose all control and punch a hole right through Jules's wall. I'm so overcome with rage and anxiety to even think about it. That is until I hear I something drop to the floor and foots steps rushing closer. Next someone puts they're arms around me and sits beside me petting my hair. I don't bother to look up to see who it was but by the voice I already knew.

Ray : it's gunna be okay Luke just try to breathe and relax

The softness of rays voice puts me in a slightly calmer position to the point where I can now speak.

Me : R-Ray I'm so sorry about the wall I don't know what came over me please don't take my instruments away and don't keep me away from Alex

I realized that after I said what I said that I was having terrible flashbacks to when my parents would yell at me and not allow me to see Alex for a while we were secretly dating aka before Reg knew. I think Ray still understood where I was going with my statement because of his grip on my hand to get my to stop pulling on my hair.

Ray : it's alright I'm not mad mijo just focus on your breathing while we wait for Julie to get back

I focus on my breaths and I quickly zone out for about what felt like 20 minutes. I hear whispers and feel Ray get up and someone else wrapping around me. By the smaller form I could tell it was Jules.

Jules : mi amor tell me what happened

Me : I-I-I don't know one minute I was on the bed resting and the next I'm here punching walls.

Jules : Don't blink no I don't wanna miss it
One thing and it's back to the beginning
Cause everything is rushing in fast
Keep holdin on never look back

She hums the rest on the song and I feel my eyes getting heavy and soon I fall asleep completely

Julies POV
Once Luke fell asleep dad , Alex who was in the other room and I all lifted him to my bed so he could rest. I kissed his forehead then waved my hand towards Alex signaling for him to follow me. We go downstairs to talk in the kitchen.

Me : okay so question has Luke always had this much anger or am I just noticing.

Alex looks down at the floor in despair and sighs.

Alex : Not always. It started around Middle school when we all had our memories wiped and stuff. That's when we lost our way or more he lost his way. With the arguments with his parents everyday and the pressure from people we used to "hang out" with , he got under those drugs , weed and alcohol fast. Soon those guys the substances and his parents fucked him up so bad he gained a loose fuse / anger issues. Even when we dated he still would be beating himself up every night because of the shit his was going through everyday Jules everyday. He only hid it more when you came back into our lives. You're goodness kept him awayy from that horrible shit and it only became worse again when those two pussy dickheads came back to drug him again. Honestly I'm worried for him and I really hope it doesn't go as far as it almost did like the last time.

Me : what do you mean?

Still looking down at the floor Alex grabs my hands and squeezes them. I already know this isn't going to be good.

Alex : He...

A cliffhanger sorry not sorry. Anyways I know a few of these chapters have been a bit dark but there might be a brighter side one day. As always

Til Next Time
-Peyton 💖

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