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In a blink of an eye, nine months had passed. Jin was sleeping peacefully when something in his lower belly disturbed him. He woke up, and before he knew it, his water broke.

Labour pains troubled him, as he moaned and yelled for Namjoon. His friend, sensing that Seokjin was about to give birth, immediately rushed to the hospital. The elder was admitted, as doctors and nurses surrounded him, encouraging him to overcome the pain, to deliver the baby.

The pain was horrendous, but once the baby was halfway out, it began to subside a bit. After giving birth, Jin had passed out.

He woke up...god knows when...maybe after a few good hours, to see his best friend sitting across his hospital bed. And a baby lying beside him. He looked up to see a doctor smiling warmly.

"Congratulations, Seokjin-ssi. It's a son."

Seokjin smiled through joyful tears.


He was discharged a few days later. Jin had wrapped the baby in a thick, white and soft blanket. Namjoon cooed over the baby, almost crying at how small and pink its face was.

"Hyung, it looks like you when you were a baby," Namjoon said, poking the child's chubby cheeks. The baby was asleep, and it looked angelic in the shining sun.

"Sure it does. I've got the strongest genes in terms of looks," Jin boasted as he cradled the fragile human in his arms. But, somewhere in his mind, Jin thought that the baby resembled Jungkook.

No. I don't want to think about him right now.

"I'm hungry! I want to eat chicken!" Jin wailed, looking at his dongsaeng, as they walked to their car. Namjoon grinned, "I know you do. Let's get home, yeah? Then we'll eat fried chicken," he teased the elder, making a smacking sound, which earned him a slap on his back. The two laughed and sat inside the car, ready to go home.


"Shh, Joon-ah! He's asleep." Jin hissed, as he witnessed his best friend trip over a lone sock lying on the floor. Namjoon nodded continued walking, careful of any stray socks on the floor. He made his way to where Jin was reclining, on the sofa, with the tiny baby sleeping peacefully on his chest. The elder was rocking the baby slowly.

The younger sat beside him. "Have you decided what to name him?"

Seokjin smiled, "I've. Wanna listen?". Namjoon nodded.


Namjoon gave a questioning face. "Seokjung? Any special reason behind that? I sense a reason behind that name." he voiced his thoughts. Jin replied, taking a deep breath.

"Joon-ah. He's a part of me as well as Jungkook. Even though Kook has cut contacts with me, I'll always respect him. This is his child too, after all."

Namjoon gave a knowing smile. "You like him still, don't you? Don't worry hyung. Once he comes back to his senses, he'll return to you."

Jin smiled back. "I hope so."


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