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There were a long pause.

Until the doctor cleared his throat, clearing the suffocating silence. "Don't get me wrong, Seokjin-ssi, but your symptoms suggest that." he said, waving his hand for emphasis. Jin continued to stare as he zoned out to the memories of six weeks ago.

Did he knock me up? We didn't use protection...OH Gosh...this was supposed to happen---

"Hyung?" Namjoon poked at Seokjin's shoulder, startling the elder. He gave a small huff. The doctor continued, "You should take a test. If it is not that, then come back to me. Okay? Take care, Seokjin-ssi." he smiled, and sent the two out.

"I can't believe this, Joon-ah." Jin mumbled, walking out of the hospital. Namjoon ran an ensuring hand on his back. "Let's atleast confirm, hmm?" and dragged the elder to the nearest pharmacy, for a pregnancy test kit.

Reaching home, the first thing Jin did was rush into the washroom, test kit in hand. Namjoon stood outside. 10 minutes later, Jin exited the washroom with a sheepish look on his face. The younger raised an eyebrow. Jin showed the positive test to Namjoon.

"Oh my," Namjoon said, a hand flying up to his mouth to cover his giggles. "You are pregnant.". Seokjin gave him a glare. "It ain't funny, Namjoon. I'm pregnant, with a lot of restrictions, and the fath---" he stopped mid sentence. A tear prickled his eye. Namjoon wiped the tear away. "You're our strong hyung. It'll be okay."

Jin broke into sobs, and the younger hugged him.


Ggukie <3

Last seen 31 st December 2020, 9:50 pm.

Jin stared at the contact name.

"Go for it hyung." Namjoon assured him, "He hasn't blocked your contact yet. Only Taehyung's." Jin gave a hesitant nod.

Ggukie <3

Last seen 31 st December 2020, 9:50 pm.

I need to tell you something. [Sent: 17:50] [Read]

You've been blocked from accessing this contact.

"He read it immediately and blocked me!" Jin shrieked. "Why is he acting like this?!" he broke down and flung the phone across the room. It landed on the bed. Banging his arms on the desk, he cried out, "He didn't even let me tell him! That I have his fucking child!"

Jin was frustrated. All because of Jungkook.

Why had he suddenly cut off Jin from his life? Just why?

Jin was unable to find an answer to this question. So he laid his head between his arms and continued to weep.


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