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After Seokjin and arrived in Namjoon's apartment with the latter, he clasped the younger's hands in his own.

"Thank you so much, Joon-ah. I don't know how to repay you," the elder man said, voice on the verge of tears. Namjoon patted his hands. "You're my hyung. You don't need to anything. I just want to see you happy." he said, giving Seokjin a warm smile, which made the man's heart flutter.

"And you're my favorite dongsaeng." Jin said, pinching Namjoon's cute nose. The two laughed, and Namjoon said, "Make yourself comfy, hyung."


Six weeks had passed that the two had begun to live together.

A rude blare from the alarm woke Seokjin up from an awesome dream about strawberries that he was having. Groaning, he slid out of bed.

He glanced at the digital clock on the nightstand. 7:30 AM, Saturday. He gave another groan and dragged himself to the bathroom to get ready for the morning. After around 30 minutes, Jin dragged his half-asleep self into the kitchen for breakfast.

He found Namjoon near the stove, frying something, while a few slices of toast sat on a pristine white plate. The younger saw Jin and gave a little wave. "Hi hyung! Good morning!", and received a sleepy 'hmm' from the elder.

As the elder edged closer to the kitchen, a wave of nausea surged through him. He covered his nose, trying to suppress a gag. "What are you frying there?" he said, the smell now becoming intolerable. Namjoon shrugged, "Does it smell bad? Eggs." he said.

"Urgh!" Seokjin gave a gag and rushed out of the kitchen, heading straight for the washroom. Crouching in front of the toilet, he heaved into it violently, emptying the contents of last night into the porcelain bowl. Hearing him, Namjoon soon came inside and sat beside him, pushing his bangs out of face and patting his back, whispering 'it's okay, let it out hyung,'.

Jin continued to retch for what felt like years (it was a few minutes), the elder slumped against the cold bathroom tiles. "I don't feel good, Namjoon-ah.". His voice was raspy from all that vomiting. Namjoon helped his hyung up, "It's okay hyung. Let's see the doctor, shall we? Just to make everything sure." he patted the elder on his back. Jin nodded weakly.


"Kim Seokjin?" the nurse called out. Namjoon stood up, and helped Jin stand as well. They bowed to the nurse and went inside the office.

"Good morning, gentlemen," the doctor smiled, pulling out two chairs. The duo bowed and sat on the chairs. "So, tell me what your symptoms are." the doctor continued, after he had done his routine check up of weight, eyes and general stuff.

"Uh well, he vomited this morning," Namjoon began, "At the smell of eggs."

"I see," the doctor continued, "Anything else?"

"Yeah...I feel tired sometimes and lightheaded...and a few foods make me queasy," Jin continued, fidgeting with his shirt sleeve.

"For how long has this been happening?"

"Three weeks."

The doctor nodded, drawing out a long 'okay'. He flipped through his file for a few minutes, before a knowing glint came to his eyes.

"Mr. Kim Seokjin, you might be pregnant."


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