Chapter 11: I Can Feel Your Heart Tonight; It's Killing Me

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When I got up the next morning, I drove to Nash's apartment and walked in.

"Get dressed, we're going to the studio," I said as I opened the door.

He stared at me for a few seconds before saying, "Why?" I walked into his bedroom and found some clothes for him before going back out to where he was.

"Just trust me," I replied, throwing the clothes at him.


About 10 minutes later, after picking up Jamie and Ian, we arrived at the studio.

"Seriously, man. What are we doing here?" Nash asked as we walked inside.

"We are here to help you get over Danielle," Ian answered.

He groaned, "I don't want to get over her."

"Okay, maybe not get over her, but we're gonna give you two a little push," Jamie said.

"Hey, guys!" we heard when we walked into one of the recording booths.

"Hey, Demi," I smiled, hugging her.

"You're going to help give us a push with Demi Lovato?" Nash asked confused.

"Yes!" Ian exclaimed.

"How?" Nash said loudly, "I mean, no offense, Demi, but how?"

"We're going to write a song!" Demi grinned. Nash was still confused, so I helped clarify.

"Basically, you're going to write the male part, we're going to tell Demi about Danielle's all-over-the-place feelings for you and she's going to write the female part, then we're going to put it together, and you and Demi are going to sing it at our show tonight," I explained.

He looked at me, still confused, but more shocked now, "We're going to write a whole song in less than 12 hours?" I gave him a look and he sighed, "Alright, whatever."



"Shopping, shopping, shopping," Katia repeated over and over, bouncing in her seat in the car.

"I will turn this car around if you don't calm the heck down, missy!" Jenna yelled jokingly. Katia stuck out her bottom lip, then looked at me.

I threw my hands into the air, "I'm not in this! I'd like to stay on Jenna's good side!"

"You know it!" Jenna laughed, pulling into the mall's parking lot.


"Basically, everything in this store is ridiculously cute, not to mention affordable," Katia told me as we walked into Forever 21 after insisting we go in when I mentioned I'd never been to one before.

"I know that, I've just never actually been to one in person," I laughed.

"What do you mean?" Jenna asked.

"I've looked at their website, but we don't have Forever 21 where I lived in Indiana," I shrugged.

"You deprived child!" Katia gasped, "Here! Let me guide you through the store."

"Kat, we do, believe it or not, have a Rue 21, which I know is basically the same thing," I smiled, "The only difference so far is that Forever 21 is way bigger."

"Which means more cute things!" Katia exclaimed.

"Okay, lovelies. Let's just get shopping before Katia hurts herself," Jenna giggled.

Left on the Sidelines // Nash OverstreetWhere stories live. Discover now