Chapter 19: Just Say You Love Me and I'll Say I'm Sorry

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*Christmas morning*

I woke up suddenly when I felt someone shaking me.

"Wake up, Sleeping Beauty! It's Christmas!" Jamie exclaimed.

I groaned, "Aren't Anna and I supposed to be the ones waking everyone up. We are the youngest, you know."

"Age means nothing in this house! Let's go!" I groaned again, reaching out to him.

"Carry me," I pouted. He rolled his eyes, but picked me up anyway and walked downstairs. Ryan stared at us as Jamie set me down on the couch and sat beside me.

I looked around, "Where are Uncle Keith, Aunt Adrienne, and Anna?"

"They went out to get some last minute things, but they wanted Jamie and I to stay in case some people got here early," Ryan answered. I simply nodded and we heard a knock on the door.

"We come bearing gifts!" Jenna announced loudly, walking in with Katia and Ian.

"Yeah, they do," Ian remarked sarcastically, carrying a couple bags.

"Shut up, we bought them," Katia giggled, causing him to roll his eyes.

I looked at them, "Where's Nash?"

Ian looked at me, surprised I asked, and said, "He had some errands to run, but he'll be here later... He said not to wait for him." I shrugged it off and we opened our presents.


When we finished, we were all talking and laughing when Jenna suddenly exclaimed, "Oh, wait! There's still one more!" She reached into one of the bags Ian carried in and threw a small box at me, "From Katia and I!" I jumped as it landed in my lap and gave them a weird look. She and Katia laughed at my expression and exclaimed at the same time, "Just open it!" I tore off the wrapping paper and opened the box to see it filled with glittery purple guitar picks.

I gasped lightly, laughing, "My three favorite things all together in one box!"

I hugged Jenna and Katia as Ian smiled, "It gets better!"

"What could possibly be better than purple, glitter, and guitar picks combined?!" I exclaimed.

"Something to use them with, perhaps," Ryan chuckled, reaching behind the couch, revealing a light purple acoustic guitar.

"Aw, did you get a new guitar, Ryan?" I smirked, making the others laugh.

"No," he said, "You did."

He set it in my lap and I looked at him in slight shock, "This is mine?"

"Yup! No more having to borrow mine or MacKenzie's," he said cheerfully.

"Alright, who am I hugging for this?" I asked, looking at the guys.

"All of us," Jamie chuckled.

"Mostly Nash," Ryan said, "He picked it out, but we all chipped in and bought it for you." I forced a smile at the mention of Nash and gave all the guys a hug.

"Remind me to thank him later, I guess," I said as I moved away.

"Speaking of Nash – go get dressed," Ian said.

"Something warm," Ryan added, "You'll be going outside."

I pouted, "I don't wanna leave the house!"

Jamie gave me puppy dog eyes and stuck out his bottom lip, "Please?"

"Don't give me that look, Jamie Christian," I mumbled, hitting his cheek lightly before getting up and going upstairs to get dressed.


I went back down to the living room about 10 minutes later, only to see that everyone but Jamie had left.

"Where did everyone go?" I asked, confused.

He simply smiled, handing me a folded piece of paper, "Don't hate us too much." He pulled me out of the front door and closed it, pushing me to his car. I was about to ask what was going on, but Jamie stopped me, "I'm not answering any questions regarding the current situation you've found yourself in. I am merely here to drive you around."

I shrugged, unfolding the paper and reading; First clue: The air hockey table in the arcade where we first met.

"Okay.." I said aloud to myself, confused.

Soon enough, we arrived at the arcade and walked inside. When the air hockey table was in sight, I saw Ryan standing there, holding a purple daisy and a paper. He handed them to me and I looked at him. He shook his head and I sighed, "Right. No questions."

Ryan smiled and nodded in response as I unfolded the paper; Second clue: The booth in the restaurant where I got to know you.

Jamie pulled on my hand and took me back out to the car, driving me to the restaurant. We went through the door and saw Ian sitting at a booth with a purple daisy and a paper in his hand as well. We walked over and he smiled at me, handing me the flower and paper.

I immediately unfolded the piece of paper and read; Third clue: The place we had our first kiss.

Jamie then took me to the venue where Nash sang Why Don't You Love Me for the first time. We went backstage and saw Jenna standing there with – big surprise – a purple daisy and a note.

Jenna smiled and I read the note; Fourth clue: The place I ruined everything.

I bit my lip when we got to the backstage entrance of the venue where Nash and I broke up, trying not to cry. Katia was standing there with a flower and note in her hands, giving me an almost sad smile. I gave her a look, knowing she was only smiling sadly because of the bad memories this place brought back for me.

I opened the note; Fifth clue: The place I realized I was in love with you.

My breath caught in my throat as Jamie grabbed my hand and pulled me back to his car once again, driving me back home. I looked at him as we got out of the car and he came over to my side, retaking my hand in his and lightly pulling me to the backyard. He brought me to the ladder of the treehouse and motioned for me to climb up. I grasped the flowers tightly as I climbed the ladder, seeing Nash sitting on the edge with his legs hanging off the side when I reached the top.

He turned to look at me and I saw he was holding a purple daisy and a note, just as everyone else had been. I moved over to sit down beside him and he handed me the flower and note, still not having said a single word.

I opened the note and read; Last clue: The place we are right now, the place I'm hoping you'll take me back, and the place I told you I love you for the first time.

I felt Nash looking at me as I stared at the note for a bit longer, only realizing I was crying when a tear fell and hit my thumb. I wiped my cheek as I finally looked up at him to meet his gaze.

"I love you, Danielle," he said, his voice cracking. I bit my lip and put my hand on his cheek lightly, pulling his face closer to mine and kissing him softly.

"I love you too, Nash," I whispered when we broke apart.

It started snowing as he asked quietly, "Will you take me back?"

I shook my head and gave him a small smile, "I never left," kissing him again.


Title: "Stay" by Mayday Parade


If this doesn't make you the least bit emotional, I will personally give you the silent treatment.

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