Chapter 15: Who Could Deny These Butterflies?

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When Nash and I arrived at the venue a couple hours later for soundcheck, I laughed when I saw who was already waiting at the doors.

"What?" Nash asked.

"I didn't actually think they'd come to the show is all," I smiled.

"Well, you did invite them," he chuckled, pulling into a parking space. I shoved his shoulder before I climbed out of his car.

"Whatever. Don't be a douchbag," I giggled.

"Oh, so now I'm a douchbag?" he said.

"A very hot douchebag," I smirked, grabbing his hand and locking our fingers together as we walked over to everyone.

The group looked at me and yelled in unison, "Danielle!"

"How do you know me?!" I yelled dramatically, "I've never seen you people before in my life!"

"We have our ways," Caity winked.

"Why are you guys waiting outside?" I asked.

"Cam's being a dick and won't let us in," Maren pouted.

"Since when does Cam give out orders around here?" Nash chuckled, leading us all inside. Once we were inside, Nash yelled, "Montgomery! Why'd you lock them out?!"

Cameron looked up from tuning one of the guitars and pouted, "They were making fun of my hair."

I giggled, letting go of Nash's hand and screaming, "Cammy!" Cameron rolled his eyes and smiled, putting the guitar back in the stand as I ran over to him. I jumped up and threw my arms around his neck, giving him a hug, "I haven't seen you in forever!"

"That tends to happen when the band doesn't have a show. They forget about the poor little guitar tech," Cameron said dramatically as we let go of each other.

"You've become more of a drama queen since I last saw you," Nash laughed, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"What?!" I yelled, "Is that even possible?!" Cam stuck his tongue out at me and I returned it before he went back to tuning guitars.

-Cameron- (WOOOOOOOOOO.)

"Oh, Cammy! This is Caity, Maren, and MacKenzie. Keep them entertained for a bit while Nash and I go talk with everyone else," Danielle said before wiggling out of Nash's arms, grabbing his hand and running with him to the backroom.

"Wait! I-" I yelled before I was cut off by the door slamming. I turned slowly back to the others and said, "Hello..."

"Hi," Maren waved cheerfully.

"I don't really know how to keep you guys entertained. I mean, I still have these guitars to tune," I said, pointing to some guitars behind me.

"Maybe we can help," Caity shrugged.

"You know how to tune guitars?" I asked skeptically.

"Know how to tune guitars," she laughed sarcastically, "Please. Hand me one you haven't done yet." I grabbed the one closest to me, which happened to be Ian's bass, as she sat down and handed it to her.

As I was watching her, I heard someone laugh, "What, Cam? Did you just get fired?"

"No, actually. Sorry. You're still stuck with me, Keaggy," I chuckled after looking up.

Caity looked up at him as well and he said, "Don't break that. I don't want to have to hit a girl. Especially one as pretty as yourself." She quickly looked back down, smiling and continued tuning.

Left on the Sidelines // Nash OverstreetWhere stories live. Discover now