Chapter 23: It's Alright Alright, Tonight Tonight

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*Skipping to February*

"Guys!" I said excitedly, running up to Nash and Ian at the bar we were in, "I just got a text from the radio DJ! They're about to play Tonight Tonight!"

"Well, let's get to the car!" Ian shouted.

"I'll let Jamie know!" Nash said, taking his phone out as we ran out to my car. I turned on the radio and we waited for the song to play. Nash's phone vibrated and he read it outloud, "Thanks! Letting everyone else know right now!"

Ian took out his own phone, going to the camera, turning on video, and hitting record. We recorded ourselves listening to our song in my car, which may sound a bit weird, but we were really excited. After the song was over, I drove back to my house and we walked in the door, only to be greeted by screams and hugs.

"That was so sick!" Danielle squeaked excitedly as she hugged Nash, bouncing on her feet.

"Sick?" Ian laughed as he draped his arm across Caity's shoulder, "Really?"

"Well, I thought gnarly was a little too much," she winked at him, making him chuckle.

"Seriously! If this song doesn't go big, I'm gonna be calling some radio stations and asking why they aren't overplaying the crap out of it," Jenna said, looking up at me.

I laughed loudly, holding her tighter, "You do that, babe."

"I will," she proudly announced as I kissed her nose.

"What do you say we celebrate?" Ian suggested.

"How?" Katia asked from where she was sitting in Jamie's lap on the couch.

"I vote we take our beautiful girls out separately tomorrow night," Nash suggested, pulling Danielle closer to him.

"I'm all for it," Caity shrugged.

"And I'll just be at home, stuffing my face with ice cream and watching chick flicks," Maren sighed.

"You know, Cameron's single," Caity winked at her.

Maren started laughing nervously and shaking her head, "You think... I'd date Cameron? No! We're just friends!"

"Okay," Danielle smirked.

"Oh, Danielle's got something up her sleeve," Jamie chuckled.

"No, she doesn't," she said in third person, releasing her grip on Nash and strolling toward the stairs.

"Danielle! Where are you going?!" Maren yelled.

"Nowhere!" she sang. As soon as her foot hit the first step, she darted upstairs and we heard a door close loudly.

"Should I be scared?" Maren asked, looking over at us.

"Oh, yeah," I said slowly, laughing.

A few minutes later, Danielle came trotting back down the stairs, returning to Nash.

"What did you do?" Maren asked, jumping up off of her seat on the couch.

"Nothing," Danielle shrugged, "But be ready by 6 tomorrow."


"No reason, just look nice."

Maren glared at Danielle and Caity pulled her off of the couch, ushering her out the door, "Well, we should be getting home. Curfew!"

Danielle looked at the clock, then back to Caity, "It's only 7:30."

Left on the Sidelines // Nash OverstreetWhere stories live. Discover now