Chp 5: Rejection Hurts

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Chapter five: Rejection Hurts

“What am I doing?  This is dangerous for her” I growl as I race back to my warehouse. 

Alone in the dark serenity of my lair, I have nothing but time to think as I wait for the sun to hide itself for another night. 

“I had fun tonight” She had said, but I could hear the wet, pulsing beat of her heart as it raced out of control at my touch.  She had been breathless and distracted as I selfishly held her hand; wanting to never let go as the electricity made me feel alive.  What was I thinking? 

In my anger, I throw a vase across the length of the warehouse; it shatters into pieces and crashes to the floor. 

I continued the contact throughout the movie, even though I knew I shouldn’t have.  She had seemed to enjoy it, but she was so disoriented by the end of the movie.  Why did I let this happen?  

I war with myself for several hours on whether or not I should continue the contact with Summer or move on.  I couldn’t bring myself to do it; I wanted to see her again. 

I start to think of the evening through a human perspective.  She would most likely have told her sister about our date, and knowing the actions of girls, they would be up for hours talking about it. 

The hours pass slowly, but I couldn’t allow myself to rest until I knew she was alright.  I waited until a quarter to one o’clock and called.  It rang four times.  One more and it will go to voicemail.  Could she still be in bed? 

“Hello?”  She sounds winded, as if she had ran to get the phone.  Relief washes through me; she sounded fine. 

“Good afternoon sleepy.  How was your night?”  My night had been wonderful, up until I dropped her off and had nothing but time to think about the repercussions. 

“It was great, but how did you know I would be sleepy at a quarter to one?”  She didn’t miss much, this human. 

“I figured Jamie would want to hear about our date last night.  That’s usually what girls like to talk about” Wasn’t it?  I couldn’t be sure, but that’s how it was in the books I read. 

“Oh, um, actually we didn’t talk for very long, it was Kieran that kept me up till three” Kieran?  Had something else gone wrong?  She didn’t sound upset about it.  It must be a good thing. 

“That’s wonderful.  So he’s not been harmed then?”  It was so hard to tell what she was feeling, when I couldn’t see her face, but the tone of her voice gave away her irritation. 

“No he’s fine, busy, but fine.  He couldn’t tell me what he was doing of course, but he assured me that he’s fine” Just as I thought; irritated. 

“You don’t like not knowing what he’s doing, do you?” 

“No I don’t.  I’m not used to having so many secrets between us, it makes me anxious” I wonder how she’d feel if she knew I was keeping secrets from her? 

No, best not to think like that.  She would freak out; any human would have the same reaction.  Her brother was one person who could tell his secrets when he wasn’t bound by law to keep them, but not me; she mustn’t find out my secret. 

“I’m sure he’ll tell you everything when he gets home, don’t worry too much about him” Even over the phone I could hear her heart beat and her breathing accelerate.  She loves her brother dearly, and it pains her to have him so far away; not only in distance, but in emotions as well.  What can I do to make her feel better? 

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