Chp 14: Monsters Revealed

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Chapter fourteen: Monsters Revealed

I had promised Tristan I would stay inside come night fall; so I did.  It wasn’t that bad, he would be here shortly after. 

I returned to my room to change my clothes, and freshen up a bit; not that he carded what I looked like, but I cared. 

I came out of the room expecting to see him sitting in the recliner like usual, but he wasn’t; instead there was a woman with auburn hair, bright blue highlights, and skin tight black clothing.  She had her back to me; she was looking at the photographs on my wall.  I tried to quietly back into the room without catching her attention. 

“Don’t be rude little one, come and greet me face to face” I froze; of course she could hear my movement, she was obviously the vampire Tristan warned me about.  My heart started pounding harder out of fear, and my palms became slick with sweat. 

“Calm down my dear, you’re getting ahead of yourself” She turned to face me; her eyes were violet, and her skin was very pale.  She looked me up and down very quickly. 

“I never understood his fascination with blue eyes, although I must say, yours are very unique in their color” Not quite that unique, I thought, there are three more people with the same eyes as me.  I took a step forward to face my impending doom. 

“Now that’s better, no need to be hostile” I detected the slightest hint of a British accent; She must be from overseas.  I still didn’t know who she was, Tristan never told me. 

“What do you want from me?”  It was a stupid question; I knew exactly what she wanted.  I hoped to find out who she was, and why she was after Tristan.  She laughed with amusement. 

“You have something I want, something that belongs to me.  I want it back; he won’t come on his own” She was talking about Tristan; she wanted to be with him.  He had said that they had run into each other from time to time; he left out the part that she was following him.  I decided to play the dumb card. 

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.  What could I possibly have that belongs to you?”  Anger flashed across her features; I better be careful. 

“Tristan has been a very naughty boy” She chided “I thought for sure he would have warned you when he caught wind of me.  I guess he doesn’t care that much about you after all” That made my blood boil. 

“You know nothing about the way he feels for me” I screamed.  She laughed at my anger. 

“Why would he care about you?  You’re just a human, a toy to be used and tossed aside when broken.  I see he’s already gotten his teeth into you; so you’re his snack between meals” I shook with rage; I had offered my blood to him.  She grinned wickedly. 

“You love him don’t you?  You poor, foolish girl, if only you could see the truth.  Tristan’s heart beats for no one, especially not for you” I grinned with my secret knowledge; his heart had beaten for me.  

“You’re wrong” I exclaimed “He does love me” She scowled at my persistence. 

“For your sake, I hope you’re wrong” Why was she against my affections for Tristan if she thought he was using me?  I know she wants him for herself, she had said that already, but she also knew that he didn’t love her either.  Maybe she thought she could force him?  Did she really believe Tristan had no feelings for me, or was she playing dumb like I had?  Whatever her reasoning, she was dead wrong. 

“You won’t get away with this, Tristan will stop you” She laughed

“I don’t think so my dear; you see, I had an old friend leave him a trail to follow.  He won’t be around to save you until the very end when it will be too late.  Oops! I’ve said too much.  Oh well, best you know now” She had been playing; she intended to kill me all along. 

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