Chp 10: Charlotte's Secret

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Chapter ten: Charlotte's Secret

Mother was outraged when I told her of my plans to marry Charlotte. 

“I will not have you throwing your life away” She had said while she paced up and down by the fireplace.  “You have a duty to Lavinia to uphold, she will be crushed when she finds out you have been unfaithful” on and on she ranted.

“Mother I will not marry Lavinia!  I do not love her; surely you can see that?”  Of course she could, she was always pushing me to show more affection towards her.  Talking about how I should be ashamed of myself for putting off the wedding for so long; it was improper for a lady her age to be unwed, and people were starting to talk.

“I’m doing this with or without you Mother, so just get used to it.  I would prefer you to be a part of the ceremony, but if you can’t get past your pride then I’m afraid you will be left out” She turned red with rage; to be cut out of her only child’s wedding was out of the question. 

“I’m sending for your father” She screeched as she collapsed into an armchair.

“He’s not going to change my mind either” I told her as I stalked out of the sitting room.  She’s off her rocker if she thinks I will marry Lavinia; I would rather die.

“I hope she comes around soon” whispered Charlotte from behind the door.  I had told her to wait in the hall when Mother flew into her rampage, fearing what she would do if she got her hands on her.

“Even if she doesn’t I will still marry you, I will take you away tonight if you want me to” her answering smile brightened my temper, calming me to almost normal.

“We should wait to see what your father has to say” She knew my father wouldn’t be as outraged as my mother, but it was hard to tell what his reaction was going to be, he seldom lost his temper.

I pulled Charlotte into my arms, not afraid to be seen now that the secret was out.  Henry came into the hallway looking flustered.  I could still hear my mother yelling and complaining at the top of her voice. 

“I had hoped for a peaceful day Master Tristan; couldn’t you have given it a week before you told her?”  Poor Henry, I had forgotten about how this would affect his job.

“Sorry Henry, but the sooner the better, we don’t have much time” Henry took one look at Charlotte and nodded, even though her belly was well hidden by her apron, Henry understood.

“I was afraid you might be when you became ill Miss Charlotte; Congratulations to the both of you.  I’ll keep this quiet until you’re ready, but my guess is within a month or so I won’t have to say anything before everyone finds out for themselves” He sighed and straightened his coat.  “I have a letter to mail out, if you will excuse me Master Tristan, Miss Charlotte” he bowed and departed for the door.

“Do you think he’s very angry with me?”  Charlotte asked suddenly. 

“What do you mean? Henry?”  I was confused by her question. 

“Yes Henry.  When he asked me if it was something more than the flu, I told him no” She looked to the floor, feeling ashamed.

“I don’t think he’s angry with you, he understands why you had to lie to him” I wouldn’t doubt that Henry would forgive Charlotte for keeping her pregnancy a secret while Lavinia’s spies were all over the house.  I still couldn’t believe I was going to be a father.  I smiled down at her, then kissed her forehead.

“You go relax, and I will have your things moved to my – I corrected – our bedchamber” She looked worried for a moment, then asked. 

“Do you really think it best to share quarters before we are wed?  I don’t think that will ease your mother’s temper” I had to suppress a laugh before I answered her, but she didn’t miss the smile that I couldn’t stop from spreading across my face. 

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