Chp 11: Lavinia's Rage

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Chapter eleven: Lavinia's Rage

It was the week before the wedding, and everything was going according to plan.  Charlotte had relaxed considerably, which was a relief, because when she was unhappy, I was unhappy.

Every night I would fall asleep with my hand on her growing belly, proud that she was carrying my child. 

Father had kept his word, he hadn’t told Mother, but she was beginning to wonder.  She would eye Charlotte suspiciously whenever she walked by, but she never said anything about it.  Perhaps she figured it wouldn’t matter and to just let it go – at least that’s what I hoped she was thinking. 

To make my mother somewhat happy, Charlotte and I would be sleeping in separate rooms the last few days before the wedding; it killed me to let her go, but I did what Mother asked. 

When I entered my chamber I found a note on my pillow ‘meet me in the barn one last time.  For old time’s sake’ I was all for it, I liked the idea of being with Charlotte the way we used to be, before all the stress entered the picture.  I waited until the rest of the house was silent, then I made my way out to the barn. 

I was expecting to find Charlotte in the hay loft like usual, but when I entered the barn it wasn’t just Charlotte that I found.  A tall man with scruffy, unkempt hair was standing beside Charlotte.  He had her by the arm; she was crying, and holding her belly with the other. 

“Nice of you to join us Tristan, now we can get started” At first I didn’t understand, all I knew is that I wanted him to release Charlotte. 

“Let her go” I yelled; this only seemed to please him, because a huge smirk spread across his face. 

“Temper, temper Tristan” He smiled wider and waggled a finger at me.  

“What do you want?” That seemed to be the question he was waiting for, because he smiled even wider; if that was possible. 

“Now we’re getting somewhere” he chided.  I stepped closer slowly.  “None of that my boy, or I end this quickly” his hand shot to Charlotte’s throat.  She let out a frightened shriek as I yelled

“NO” I took another step forward without thinking, and then froze. 

“Now if you would listen, I’ll tell you what I’m doing here.  Every muscle in my body was tense with rage, I wanted to lunge at him, and choke the life out of him.  “I’m here on special request from a young woman with a nasty temper, she insisted that you watch my young lad; not generally my style, but she paid me handsomely for it. 

Instantly I knew he was meant to kill Charlotte, and Lavinia was the one behind it. 

“I can double what she paid you, if you let go of my wife” I hoped he would go for the trade, I wanted so desperately for Charlotte to run back to the safety of the house. 

“I’m sorry my boy, but it was an offer that can’t be matched; you see I can do anything I wish with your lovely woman here, but you are to be left alone.  She was insistent that you not be harmed, so that she could have you all to herself” Bile wormed its way to the back of my throat as he told me of his plans. 

“Leave her alone and I won’t kill you.”  My voice shook with rage as I threatened this monster.  He started laughing. 

“You don’t possess the strength to kill me, but I admire your courage.  Now, on to business” He moved so quickly, I didn’t have time to react before he had his mouth to Charlotte’s neck. 

“NO” I yelled and ran forward.  He stopped me with a casual flick of his arm.  I flew across the barn into the wall.  My breath came whooshing out as I slumped to the floor.  I got to my feet and grabbed a shovel; I swung at him.  It caught him on the shoulder; he released Charlotte and came towards me. 

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