Chapter 4 🦋

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I bet those two get butterflies around each other 🦋Y/N's POV:"I'm here and ready to go

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I bet those two get butterflies around each other 🦋
Y/N's POV:
"I'm here and ready to go." Yelena said as casual as ever. "I see you and Mr Zeke are getting coffee." Y/N said teasingly. "It's not like that." She said in a bored tone. What in heavens earth happened to liking him. "I just want no strings attached it was a one time thing." She said. Wait hold up one time thing, no strings attached wait did she. No Y/N no bad thoughts. I don't even wanna think about that. "Well don't worry Yelena I'm sure Mr Zeke will understand." I said trying to reassure her. "You look swag." She said and avoided any talk about Zeke. Oh lord have mercy I'm about to bust!!! I just got called swag ahhh I'm happy.

*Time-skip brought to you by EREN YEAGER*

I hope me and Yelena didn't miss much yesterday. We entered the lecture and surprisingly there weren't many people I guess we had arrived earlier. "Oh shit, I forgot my bag at the café." Yelena cursed. "Oh, I'll walk back with you if you want." I said. "No it's fine just get a good seat and ask Petra if we missed anything." Yelena said and ran off. Well I hope we didn't miss any work from yesterday. I headed straight down the stairs making my way to Petra when a foot tripped me. "Oh, sorry." A redhead said in a very fake voice and the boy next to him laughed. Ugh it was the ken doll from last time and who was he with. Barbie maybe? I got up and dusted my clothes and started headed down the stairs. "Where's your door of a girlfriend?" Ken doll teased and again the boy with him laughed. What kind of insult was that. So dry! "Bullying people again Floch?" A girl with a toned blonde bob questioned. "Of course not Hitch, we're in university now." He stuttered nervously. The boy behind him just lingered around. "Same goes for you Eren." She snapped. She rolled her eyes at them and turned her head to face me and said. "Hi, I'm Hitch Dreyse and if those idiots bother you just tell me." She seemed so sweet, but also very feisty. "Thanks Hitch, I'm Y/N L/N." I said. "Ooh what a pretty name." She said and winked at me. Then we exchanged numbers and after that she turned on her heel and left to go sit somewhere else. Me and Hitch were definitely going to be good friends. She seemed pretty cool. Finally after a whole big fiasco I reached Petra's desk, but it looked like Janitor Levi had reached her desk before me. "These kids make such a big mess." Levi complained. "Ahh Levi I'm sorry, but it is studio work what can I do?" She asked. "Make them make less of a mess." Levi stated bluntly. I wonder if Levi noticed how flustered Petra acted in front of him I wonder. "Um Petra." I said. "Oh Hello." She said happily. Levi just gave me a dirty look and left. "He's always like that." Petra reassured me. "How can I help?" She asked. "Did I miss any work yesterday?" I asked her. "Oh no don't worry we just did introductions and had to fill out this form. They're right here." She said and pointed to a place on her desk. "Thank you." I said and grabbed two forms and got back to my desk. Yelena was taking a bit long. We had ten minutes till our next lesson so I could look for her. I told Hitch that I was going out to look for someone and she said she'd notify me when class started. I rushed down the hallways and finally made it to the café. Yelena and her bag were gone. Maybe she ditched me. Was I that annoying. I felt kind of defeated. I dragged my feet along the halls, but then I heard a familiar voice in a lecture room. I looked at the name plate and it read:
Zeke Yeager- painting classroom
"No Zeke, stop not here." I heard a voice say. "Nobody is here though babe." Zeke said. I was practically praying Yelena didn't ditch me for Zeke. I took a peep through the door and my heart sank. It was Yelena and Zeke, but before I could run away Zeke saw me. "Hey who's there?" He shouted. I ran as fast as I could. The adrenaline was kicking in. I didn't know where I was running to or where I even was. But it seemed as Zeke had stopped chasing me. Finally peace from the world. Yelena gave me mixed feelings maybe she was just friendly after all. 'So you're admitting you like her?' My inner voice asked. No no it's not like that I don't even know how it is. "Oi, brat what are you doing here?" Levi said from behind me. I practically jumped from fright. "Ahh Janitor Levi, I got lost." I said and make up an excuse. "How did you even get here?" He questioned and sent me a glare. "I got lost." I said. I totally didn't run away from Mr Zeke. "You should be in lectures now. I'll show you the way." Levi said and rolled his eyes. I muttered a thanks and to my surprise he said "You're welcome." Woah maybe Levi wasn't as stuck up as I thought. After about a ten minute walk we arrived at studio work. "Brat don't get lost again, because next time I wont be around to help." He said and ushered me towards the classroom. I quickly scrambled to my seat and guess who was there. Yelena. "Where were you?" She asked. "I should be asking you that." I blurted out. "I got lost." I said. "I was looking all over for my bag good thing I found it." She said and held it up then offered me a cookie. What happened to being besties and telling each other everything. "Stop chewing so aggressively." She whispered. "Am not." I snapped. "Bad mood much." She snapped back. Damn Yelena snapped at me. "Sorry." I muttered. Then there was an awkward silence. "Why are you mad?" She asked and gave me an intense gaze. I needed to find something to lie about. "Um just a call from home and my parents were being annoying." I said. "You sure?" She asked again. "Well actually no that's not the reason. My friend needs advice and I don't know how to reply." I said. "Ask away." She said and offered me another cookie which I gladly took. "So basically he likes this girl and she is just his friend and she likes another dude and he saw them kiss I think." I said and acted as if my friend actually told me this. "Damn that's a hard one, but why are you mad?" She asked. Damn this girl I swear- "Is it perhaps about you." She stated. Oh my god was I that terrible at lying. "Nope." I said blandly. "Well I'll tell you what to do at break." She whispered. She actually believed that. Woah I'm getting better at lying whoo hoo. Then I nearly died when she placed her hand on top of mine and whispered in my ear. "If something's bothering you please tell me."
I then got butterflies 🦋
A/N: Sorry this chapter was shorter than usual, but at least I added some spice and new characters were introduced. Im honestly so grateful for the views, votes and comments. Im really glad you all enjoyed and this was a rather rushed chapter, but I'm trying. Anyways I found this picture and thought it looked like Yelena!!!

 Anyways I found this picture and thought it looked like Yelena!!!

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Butterflies Yelena X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now