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Spot and I pattered about the kitchen silently, chopping and stirring and mixing. The sight of him being so domestic would have been funny to me at a different time; now it was only sobering. Stone stayed in his place the entire time, watching us with his hooded, sullen stare. From time to time I'd hear voices in the hallway, and Stone's head would snap to the side, sending a warning glare to the boys and preventing them from coming this way. 

I wondered if Zipper was out there. The thought struck me like lightning, and I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of him before. He had been my best friend, only friend really. Most of the boys seemed to veer away from me given... Calico, and I didn't blame them. Looking back now, I would have steered clear of me as well. I wondered if he would remember me. If he missed me at all. I wondered how loyal he was to Fox, and if he would help us... help me if the opportunity presented. But I didn't even know if he was here. 

"Somethin' you thinkin' about?" Spot broke my train of thought softly, looking towards me. His clear blue eyes looked sad and pensive in the dim light... or maybe it wasn't just the light.

"No talkin'." Stone called in a bored tone, rocking his chair back and forth. 

I shook my head with a small, melancholy smile. Ignoring the gorilla in the chair behind us. "No, nothin' much." 

Spot nodded, even though he didn't look like he much believed me. I avoided eye contact and poked the meat with a spoon as it stewed in the pot, checking if it was by any chance done. It didn't look it, but again, in the wise words of Spot Conlon: Maybe they'd all get food poisoning and we could get the heck outta here. Paraphrased, of course. So I turned off the stove and crossed my arms, turning to face Stone. 

"It's done." I said, keeping my face neutral and not revealing the shiver of disgust that blew over me as I looked at the large, hulking boy who was, at the moment, picking his teeth with his switchblade. A habit that seemed dangerous, dirty, and downright dumb if you asked me. 

Stone grunted in response, standing up slowly. He jerked his chin towards the door for us to follow. "C'mon den. Fox don't want you two talkin' wit' th' oth'rs." 

Unfortunately that was all I wanted to do. See how many were actually on board with Fox and his tyranny. How many might help us escape. But unfortunately it appeared that I wouldn't get a chance to, as Stone herded us down the hall and back into the room where I had first seen Spot in this place. Placing a meaty paw on each of our shoulders, he shoved us forcefully in. 

We stumbled to regain our footing, and the door closed with a click behind us, leaving us in only the light of a flickering gas lamp. The sound of a key turned in the lock, and I sighed softly. 

Upon my sigh, Spot pulled me to him, wrapping his arms around me tightly in an attempt to provide some sort of comfort. I nearly smiled as I rested my head on his shoulder and hugged him back. 

"I'se gonna get you out of here, Red. I promise." Spot said softly after a couple seconds of silence. "You don' have to worry." 

"I'm not worried." I replied, my tone the same as his. It simultaneously was and wasn't a lie. I believed him; I knew he would try his hardest, and I would too. I just hoped we would be able to do it before Fox decided we weren't worth it.

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