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"Eva?" Spot said quietly.
"Yeah?" I replied. Spot's eyes closed in a long slow blink, and I felt mine mimic his. While my eyes were closed I felt a quick peck on my lips. My eyes flew open immediately, but Spot Conlon was gone.


It had been a week, and the dreams were back. Back with Spot replacing Calico. I hadn't told anyone about the kiss, and I hadn't seen Spot since then. I hadn't exactly gone looking for him either though. I went to work at Tibby's, came back to the Lodging House and repeated. Day after day. Race was still seeing Jocelyn, which surprised me. I wouldn't've thought she'd last that long. And Blink had gone and fallen hard for this girl who worked at a market near his selling spot.

As for me? I think... I think I maybe had a infinitesimal crush on Spot Conlon. Not an enormous one; I didn't think about him night and day. But it was enough that when someone mentioned his name I would get butterflies in my stomach.
It was stupid; I hadn't seen him in a month. He'd probably found a girl and forgotten all about me. Besides, how old was he anyways? Probably too old for me. After all, I was only 13. He must've been at least 16 to be the leader of the Brooklyn Newsies. I repeated these things like a mantra to myself at least once every day, trying to kill the niggling feelings of attraction.

Mush had mostly backed off, which was nice. I'd like to think that my prank had done the trick, but I had my suspicions otherwise- my brother had made an announcement that I was 'off limits' to all the Manhattaners. Even though I had never told anyone what happened in the alleyway with Spot, the fact remained that I had left with his cane and returned without it- without the cane and without even a scratch. Blink looked quite formidable with his eye patch, and I figured that he had had a quiet 'talk' with Mush afterwards. I didn't mind, honestly. I wasn't boy crazy like some other girls I'd seen; hard to be, living in a house with over 20 of 'em. And it was nice to have someone care about me enough to 'protect' me. 'Sides, the only boy I'd ever even think about being anything more than friends with didn't live in 'Hatten anyway...

I shook myself out of my train of thought as a new group of customers came into Tibby's. Once they were seated I went over. I had never seen them before, which was a little strange since most of Tibby's business was repeat customers. There were 4 of them, all boys, and they looked like Newsies, but not from Manhattan, Brooklyn or even Queens.

"Can I take your orders?" I asked them.

"Course ya can, honey." One of the boys winked at me. I ignored them and took the other boys orders, which they were calling out to me.

"And you?" I asked the first boy.

"Hm... T'ink Ise'll have a coffee and a coleslaw... wit' a side o' yoah name, hon."

My mind flashed back to my first day at Tibby's, when Mush had used nearly exactly the same line. Just then the bell dinged as the front door opened. My back was to the door, so I didn't see who it was.

"Be with you in a second!" I called, before looking appraisingly at the the boy.

He smirked. "You get my oahdah right, honey?"

"Shoah she did." A strong voice said next to me. An arm wrapped around my waist. And I looked up to see Spot Conlon holding me tightly against his side. "Righ', sweethaht?"

"Yeah, I got it." I replied, stunned to see him here. "But, Spot-" he held up a finger to my lips, cutting me off, and I felt a tingle go down my spine.

"Hold on a second, Eva." He whispered.

The boys at the table were poking and teasing the one who had asked for my name, while he was staring at Spot with his eyes wide.

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