Was I about to die? Or was Vilola?...

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Vilola had already started to reverse her Ferrari out the car parking space, her cheeks and her face red from embarrassment and fury (Stan and Soos came in Stan's car). She had opened the roof so I dangerously jumped into the passenger seat and put my seatbelt on quietly while she drove off. She got to the traffic lights at the end of the road, she turned to look the other way to make sure the road was clear. She screamed as she saw me and her face went a more normal shade in her face, with a hint of pink in her cheeks. 'Uh...hey Dipper!' She said, sounding really nervous and awkward. 'Please don't let this be awkward between us Vilola...I don't want to ruin our friendship and has those memories we have fade.' I said, putting my head down a bit, so she couldn't see my eyes which were now filled with tears (normally I'm more stronger than this...just to let you know...) I was thinking in my head "tell her Dipper! She likes you just return the feelings!" but for some reason something stopped me.

Vilola carried on driving the car as the only sounded could hear were the cars driving by. Just as we neared the Mystery Shack, I went to tell her but the words wouldn't come out of my mouth. Suddenly, Vilola turned a sharp left into the forest road and my head fell onto her arm. I quickly realised and picked my head back up, fixing my hat. After about 15 seconds, the car wheel fell off the car on my side. It made us both jump and Vilola slammed on the brakes. The car went skidding on the side with the wheel still there and Vilola lost all control of the car. We both stared at each other in complete and utter shock as the car sped down the forest on one side, surprisingly still upright. Vilola's side of the car hit the tree as we crashed a second later. Vilola's seatbelt broke just after the car hit the tree, she fell into the tree and was knocked unconscious. I thought she was dead but when I tried to move towards her, I could see she was breathing but hardly.

I reached for her phone, which was now ringing. It was Stan so I picked it up. '...He...he...hello?' I said, taking a layer of blood off my head. 'Dipper! Where's Vilola?' He replied, as I heard the chaos with Mabel in the background. 'Um...uh...' I panicked, looking at her. '...next to me...unconscious...we...are in a car crash...' I added, trying not to shout or alarm Grunkle Stan. 'WHAT?! Kid don't mess with me...is she driving?' Stan said, starting to sound annoyed. 'No the wheel fell...off the car...on my side and we skidded into a tree...Vilola's seatbelt broke just as we crashed and...uhh...and her...head hit the...tree.' I said, trying to think while taking yet another layer of blood from my head. 'Oh no...uhh...phone the ambulance and I will be there as soon as I can...' Stan started to say. 'Stan! She will get fined for being underage driving a car!' I interrupted, as I felt a tear run down my face. 'Look kid...I don't know whether she has told you but...she has like these supernatural powers that can do anything and they're all linked to that weird earpiece thing she wear on her ear...you know incase of an emergency like this. It comes up as a computer I think it should be pretty easy...' The phone cut off as the signal went on Vilola's phone.

I put down the phone, took off my seatbelt and reached for Vilola's earpiece. I clicked the button on it and it came up like a holographic keyboard. I typed in 'make Vilola look 20' and surprisingly it worked. Vilola started to transform to 20 years old as I regained signal bars on her phone. I phoned the ambulance quickly, told them our location and they arrived in 5 minutes. 'Could you state her name and reason for crash please young boy?' An ambulance woman asked me, as I sat in the ambulance with Vilola holding Vilola's hand as she lay there with wounds all over her face and neck. 'Vilola Fenix...the wheel fell off the car as we drove along the road and...and she...' I sniffed, my voice croaking as I spoke. '...she lost all control of the car. As we went skidding, the car...smashed right in...to the tree and her...seatbelt broke. She...injured her head...on the tree and she fell unconscious...' I finished, now fully crying. 'Come on Vilola stay strong! For me...' I said, praying that she stay alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2015 ⏰

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