Benjamin to You [chapter 2]

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"Watcha doing?" Tendou asked, sitting down in one of the small chairs next to where you were along with a girl who took a strong likening to him, Chiyo.

"Making a paper crown with my best friend," you said while gesturing to the boy who sat across the table from you.

"Hi," Buddy monotoned, waving at the red head who had sat down, showing no interest in him whatsoever.

"I can tell you're happy to see me," Tendou mused sarcastically, a look of slight annoyance on his face.

"Yeah, so happy," Buddy said back, the same look of annoyance that Tendou was displaying coming onto his own face.

You sat back and observed, amused by the interaction between Tendou and Buddy. There was definitely jealousy radiating off of Buddy, and it was quite obvious since even Chiyo, the girl who was always following Tendou around, noticed this. And she was one of the most oblivious people in that whole building.

"Why is he so rude to Mr. Tendou?" Chiyo whispered to you as she stood on the other side of you, where Tendou wasn't sitting.

"No clue, but it's fun to watch," you whispered back, not once taking your eyes off the duo.

"How do you make a paper crown?" Tendou asked, ignoring the lame insults Buddy was throwing at him.

You smiled at this, biting the inside of your cheek to prevent yourself from laughing. You looked up at Tendou who was staring back at you intently, his eyebrow cocked slightly as he waited for your answer.

"You can watch for today, and next time you can try to make one with me," you replied, grabbing 4 pieces of red construction paper as that was the color crown Buddy wanted.

"Sounds like a plan wo-man," Tendou rhymed, pointing at you with a huge grin.

He's a very interesting specimen...

You proceeded on making the crown, taking slower steps than you usually would so Tendou could absorb the new information. The red head watched your hands move intently, his eyebrows furrowed slightly to show he was focused as he also chewed on his bottom lip a little, though it wasn't noticeable.

You folded the paper, cutting it down the middle once you unfolded it. You then started on the next folds, cutting the paper once again once you finished that step. After that, you started folding the individual piece into one of the many parts that would go into making the crown. You then did the same to the other piece, only to repeat this process over again.

You eventually reached the final steps, which was just putting the actual crown together though that part in particular could actually be considered the hardest and most annoying. You started on it, making sure to glue down the flaps firmly before letting out a sigh after finally finishing the crown.

"Here you go, Buddy," you said to the boy, handing him the crown.

Buddy put on the crown quickly, running over to the mirror where he checked out his new attire. He let a huge smile spread across his face as he came running back to the table you, Chiyo, and Tendou still sat at.

You were cleaning up your leftover supplies, smiling as Tendou complimented your work and how quick you were with it.

"You're seriously amazing!" Tendou gushed.

"The crown is the same color as Tendou's hair," Chiyo pointed out, a smile on her face as she looked between Tendou's hair and Buddy's crown.

"Thank you Ms. y/n!" Buddy chirped, beaming up at you, clearly happy you made him a crown.

"No problem kid," you smiled back, looking at him for a brief moment before going back to cleaning up your mess along with some other mess that some kids before you must have made.

"How do you do it?" Tendou sighed, his head falling on the table as he looked up at you from his arms.

"Do what?" you hummed, looking over at the red head, letting a small chuckle escape your lips when seeing his childish fake-pout.

"Be so good at everything," he huffed, a smile threatening to come on his lips.

"I'm not good at everything," you laughed while shaking your head.

"Yes you are," Buddy intervened.

"Even Buddy agrees with me!" Tendou said while pointing down at the boy, "And he doesn't seem to like me in the slightest!"

"That's Benjamin to you," Buddy glared up at Tendou.

"Thank you for further proving my point," Tendou said, narrowing his eyes at the boy who seemed to have a rivalry with him.

"That's two opinions out of, what? Billions?" you countered, cutting off the conversation between Buddy and Tendou before it could turn into an argument.

"Well my opinion should make up almost 2.4 billion, and so should little Benji's!" Tendou retorted.

"Yeah, wait—" Buddy started to nod, but stopped midway through upon realizing who he was agreeing with, "It's Benjamin to you!"

"So stubborn," Tendou pouted, "But still, all you need is another vote— which will also count as 2.4 billion, and then all you need is one more opinion to get over a 7 billion. Chiyo, what do you think?"

"I think she's the best at everything," Chiyo nodded looking up at the red head who was looking down expectantly at her.

"See," Tendou smiled, looking back up at you with a victorious grin, "According to statistics, you are the greatest person ever. I told you you're the best."

"Whatever," you rolled your eyes, a smile present on your face, "How about you help me with snacks?"

"Can I help too?" Chiyo asked.

"Of course," you smiled, standing up and throwing away whatever trash you had gathered from the table.

"Me too! Me too!" Buddy chirped.

"Alright," you nodded, watching as Tendou got up from the tiny chair.

"Let's go~" Tendou said in a sing-song voice.

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