Paper Flowers [chapter 13]

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"Make sure you give the flowers to y/n, and say the right things," Chiyo whispered to Buddy.

The two of the were hiding behind the book shelves, away from both yours and Tendou's view. They had planned something for you and Tendou, both of them being assigned to give you and Tendou something.

The two of you remained oblivious to the fact they were hiding, both you and the red head being too caught up in keeping the other kids entertained to actually pay attention to the two. You were reading a book to the kids willing to listen while Tendou was rough housing. Saying you had different styles to entertain the kids was an understatement.

"I know, I know," Buddy waved her off, taking half of the paper flowers from her hands.

"Now we just have to wait until their both alone and then we can hand them the flowers," Chiyo whispered, plopping down so her back was leaning against the book shelf.

"That's going to take too long!" Buddy whined in a hushed tone.

"Someone needs to learn patience~" Chiyo teased, snickering when she saw her partner in crime's face turn red out of embarrassment.

"Shush," Buddy snapped, plopping down so he sat beside the girl that was previously teasing him. "I just don't want to wait forever..."

"Well lucky for us, snack time is soon. So we can help y/n and Satori prepare the snacks for everyone!" Chiyo chirped, already having thought out everything beforehand.

Buddy stared at her, admiring how she was always 2 steps ahead of him. He found her cute, but he would "never" date her because that was his best friend. And only girl best friends don't have cooties. Other than that, every girl has cooties.

"How are you so cool?" Buddy asked, still staring at her with sparkles in his eyes.

"Because I am a woman," Chiyo responded.

"That makes sense," Buddy nodded in agreement, not questioning her logic in the slightest bit.

Chiyo only lived with her mom, her dad having left for a reason unknown to the girl. Chiyo's mother had taught her that men aren't a need, just a want. And while Buddy did have a father present in his life, his mother was the one who was always in charge. So he had grown to see women as strong. That was the reason he never thought much about Chiyo's answers.

"Let's go. The targets are on the move," Chiyo whispered, watching as you and Tendou had started to move away from the kids and towards the door of the room.

The two of them snuck out from behind the book shelf, making sure to keep there movements fast but quiet and unnoticeable. And right as the door was about to shut behind you and Tendou, the two kids slipped through the small gap that was left.

You and Tendou turned around after hearing a sound of slight scraping against the door frame. Chiyo's jacket had accidentally hit the metal frame which cause a small sound to come out of it.

"And what are the two of you doing?" Tendou asked, a brow raised as he crossed his arms to try and seem more strict.

The two kids quickly hid the flowers behind their backs. They looked at each other before nodding. Their attention turned back to the two of you and that's when Chiyo started doing the talking.

"We have a present for both of you," Chiyo answered, "But we need to give them to you in private. So can you two please split up?"

You and Tendou looked at each other, giving each a look of pure confusion. You shrugged before walking one way, Tendou going off in the opposite direction. Buddy and Chiyo both split up as well, going off after the person they were supposed to give the paper flowers to.

Buddy tapped your leg, looking up at you with slight sparkles in his eyes. He pulled the paper flowers Chiyo had made out from behind his back and offered them to you. It took you barely any time to accept the gift.

"What are these for?" you asked with a pleasant smile crossing your features.

"Give those to the person you love," he informed before running off back towards the daycare room.

You looked down at the paper flowers with furrowed brows. Sure, the flowers looked great, especially with how the arrangement was placed. It must've taken a while to make such good looking paper flowers. The thing that confused you was why he asked you to give them to the person you loved.

Was it meant for like a family member or like a different kind of love? Like a crush or something.

"Ok..." you mumbled before sticking the flowers in the pocket of your apron. You turned around and started to head Tendou's way since that's where the room you were going to be preparing snacks on was located.

As you did that, you saw Chiyo running away from Tendou and towards Buddy who was holding the door of the daycare room open for her. The door shut once the two of them got inside, you staring at the door dumbfounded.

You started back up walking to Tendou who was standing and waiting for you to catch up to him. When you got closer to him you saw he was also holding a small bouquet of paper flowers.

So they gave the same gift to both of us, huh?

"Let us go prepare the food for the small children!" Tendou declared, pointing off towards the door of the room you were supposed to go to which was only a few feet away from where he was standing.

"Yeah," you nodded with a small chuckle, letting the red head seize the lead.

The two of you got inside the place, you going into the pantry and deciding on what was going to be made that day. Today you felt like being lazy, so you started grabbing a handful of the small chip bags.

When you come out, you set the bags on the counter. Tendou took this information in and went into the pantry, getting the remaining amount of chip bags needed. Along with a bag of special chips for a certain kid who was allergic to what you were allowing the other kids to consume.

You were about to gather the chip bags back in your hands and head out back to the daycare room when Tendou stopped you. He had grabbed your wrist with a small blush on his cheeks.

"Chiyo told me to give these to you," he informed while handing you the paper flowers, averting eye contact at all costs.

You looked down at the flowers and smiled. If Chiyo had told Tendou the same things Buddy had told you, than he loved you. So...

"Well Buddy told me to give these to you," you replied, fishing your own flowers out of your pocket and handing them to Tendou.

The red head stared at them with slightly widened eyes which appeared to be out of shock. He slowly looked back up at you and smiled, tucking the flowers in his own pocket.

"Well thank you," he muttered, "weakling."

"No problem," you smiled, "Lil red."

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