She Died [chapter 3]

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"So..." Tendou trailed off, his eyes trained on the blue construction paper that was laid out in front of him, "You fold the flap like this?"

"Mhm," you hummed, looking over at Buddy and Chiyo who were watching Tendou try to make his first ever paper crown.

"You got this Sa-to-ri," Chiyo encouraged, nodding her head rapidly to further prove her point in a sense.

"And you make a cut here, and fold it this way..." he mumbled, taking his time so he wouldn't mess up the creases. "And then you do the same to the other side."

"Yeah," you nodded, your eyebrows raised slightly as you didn't think Tendou would manage to remember most of the steps and execute them almost perfectly.

"Fold this up and this down. Then repeat until you have a bunch of pieces which you put together from there!" Tendou said in a sing-song voice as he continued with his folds, setting the tiny piece of paper to the side when he knew he was finished.

"Wow Tendou, you're doing way better than me on my first try," you mused, your eyes starting to have a little trouble keeping up with the red head's quick hand movements.

"You think so?" he asked, taking a pause to look up at you with curios eyes, your's staring back into his.

"Totally," you nodded, a small smile making it's way onto your features.

"Maybe I can be the master of paper crowns with you one day," Tendou commented, his hands moving at a quick pace as he set aside a piece he just finished assembling.

"Are you kidding me? You're already at like the same level as me," you shook your head.

Buddy made a face at your remark, showing he didn't quite like the way you were talking about yourself, "Don't say things like that. Tendou isn't better than you."

"I never said that though..." you mumbled, Tendou laughing at Buddy's misinterpretation.

"Don't worry Ms. y/n. I think you and Tendou are both the best," Chiyo nodded.

"Thank you," Tendou said, starting to move on to the next piece of construction paper.

"Y/n! Look at my tower!" one of the kids yelled from across the room, jumping up and down excitedly as they started running over towards you.

"I'll be back," you said to the trio who were sitting with you.

"Okie," Tendou chirped, not once looking up from his work.

You got up, stretching your arms above your head before walking over towards the kid that called you over. The kid showed you the tower, boasting about how long it took and how many times he messed up. He looked so happy when talking about his failures, seeing those mistakes as chances to learn and try again.

"And that is my tower!" they chirped, doing jazz hands as they looked at you with a huge smile.

"Guess what?" you whispered.

"What?" they whispered back.

"It's amazing," you complimented, the kid lunging at you with their arms wide open as they gave you a hug.

"You mean that?" they asked while backing away from you after the hug.

"Of course," you nodded, ruffling their hair before standing up and walking back over towards the table Tendou sat at.

"You hear that?! Y/n thinks my tower is amazing!" they bragged, throwing their fists in the air in celebration.

"Not as amazing as I am," Tendou mumbled.

"Well that's not very hard to beat," Buddy retorted, making Tendou stop his work to look up and glare at the child.

"Why you little—" Tendou was about to say an unholy word, but you came to the table just in time, sitting down with an innocent expression, being completely oblivious to the small argument Buddy and Tendou were having.

"You almost done?" you asked Tendou with a yawn, taking a quick glance at the clock that hung up on the wall to see the amount of time you and before you and Tendou had to leave to go back to campus.

"Yeah, just one more thing..." Tendou trailed off, his tongue barely poking out of his mouth as he focused really hard on putting the final pieces together, "And done!"

Tendou handed the crown to Chiyo who gladly bowed her head to accept the crown. Her dark locks were pressed down by the blue crown, making her look almost like a princess. She wore a huge smile, running towards the mirror that was hung up in the daycare so the kids could look at themselves.

"I look amazing," Chiyo gasped, her mouth agape as she stared at her reflection in the mirror with awe.

"Yes you do," you nodded, a small smile on your face as you sat criss-cross next to her.

"Thanks Tendou!" Chiyo beamed at the red head who started squinting.

Too bright, Tendou thought as he tried to look at the beaming child.

You turned your head away from Tendou, your hand flying to cover your mouth. You giggled, avoiding eye contact with Tendou who you could feel glaring at you.

"Shuddup," he said quickly, lightly kicking you in the side. As a reaction, you feel on the floor making a huge scene from his harmless kick.

"Ow!" you whined, a smile on your face as you covered the spot he kicked, "That hurt, Sa-to-ri!"

"Oh come on, I didn't even hit you that hard," the red head playfully rolled his eyes while bending over and holding out a hand for you to take so he could help you up from your over dramatic reaction.

"But Tendou," you wailed with an over exaggerated sigh, "I feel like I'm dying~"

"Wait— you can't die!" Buddy's eyes widened as he rushed to your side. "Mr. Tendou, you're a bad person for murdering y/n!"

"What the—" Tendou started to say, trying his hardest to take the 5 year old seriously.

"Satori killed y/n?" a girl asked, her lips quivering as she had tears starting to form in her eyes.

You saw this, and you being the kind soul you were...

You played dead.

You looked Tendou in the eyes before closing your own and falling limp.

"OH MY GOD! SHE DIED!" Chiyo yelled, her smile immediately leaving as she ran over to you, the crown falling off her head as she did.

"Ms. l/n died?" A boy asked, tears welling up in his eyes as he made his way towards the sight.

And before you knew it, all the kids in the daycare were either surrounding your body and crying or hitting Tendou for killing you.

"Y/n!" Tendou whined, pouting as he tried to get away from the kids, only for the little gremlins to attack his legs all over again.

Your tongue, which had been sticking out to animate your death, slowly snaked it's way back in your mouth, none of the kids seeming to notice this minor change. You started smirking before—

"Boo!" you shouted, eyes snapping open as you abruptly sat up.


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