Homework [chapter 10]

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"Can you give this to y/n if you see her today? She missed science," Semi asked Tendou as he handed him a pack of papers, "The packet is due at the end of the week."

And before Tendou could respond to this, Semi had already walked off.

It was their break time, and Semi had god knows what to do, so he located Tendou and asked him to deliver you your homework. You were out with a small cold, so school was a no that day. So, your teacher had asked Semi to deliver the packet to you, but he figured it would be easier if Tendou did it. Especially since he knew Tendou wanted to talk to you.

"Ok..." Tendou trailed off with furrowed brows, placing the packet delicately in his bag which was completely disorganized apart from one pocket. And that one happened to be  the one he placed your homework in.

"Remember Tendou," Ushijima spoke up from beside him, "We will start having volley ball practice again next week, so you will no longer be able to work at the daycare daily."

"I know Ushi, I know," Tendou waved him off.

"That is all I have to say. Have a good rest of the day," the green haired male said, clapping Tendou on the back before walking off.

"Every single day, I wonder how I managed to befriend you. It is the biggest mystery of my life," Tendou mumbled to himself as he watched his best friend walk off, "I don't not regret it, but it was very unexpected."

Tendou started humming to himself, skipping his way up to his next class. Though he did technically still have ten minutes, he knew there was homework he had due that period that was only halfway completed.

Once arriving at his classroom, he skipped a few columns of desks, walking down a couple rows before plopping down in his seat. He pulled out his homework and got to work on it, speed running (insert dream music) to get through all of the questions in time.

He was, however, unlucky. For the bell rang right before he finished, leaving a devastated Tendou. This minor inconvenience managed not to crush all his spirits though, the red haired male rushing to try and cram on the last few questions before the teacher came in.

"I'll take your homework now," his teacher let out a tired sigh as she walked through the doors of the classroom. And right on time.

Tendou let a victorious grin spread across his features as he did his victory dance in his head. He was the among the first people to hand in their work, greeting his teacher with a smile. He was a bit upset when she didn't return the gesture, but didn't think much of it.

The rest of the school day went by quickly to Tendou, most of his assignments flying over his head. It wasn't that he didn't care— well actually it was. He couldn't care less about his grades, though by some miracle he still managed to maintain a high grade.

He hummed happily as he made his way through the hallway and to the dorm that would drop him off closest to your dorm building. He bopped his head to the tune of the song he was humming, a slight skip in his step.

"Maybe I should bring her some medicine or something before going over," Tendou mumbled, stopping himself from walking closer to the building your dorm was located, regardless of if it was known in his line of sight.

"But I don't have money..." he muttered before shrugging it off and continuing his way to your dorm. "Wonder if she'll want to work on homework with me again."

Tendou's walk to your dorm came shorter to him than he thought it would. The red head knocked on your door with much force and repeatedly too.

And in the deepest voice he could muster he called out to you from the other side of the door, "FBI, open up!"

He heard a groan from the other side, followed up by a bunch of shuffling and a loud thump. A few seconds later, he saw you wrapped up in a blanket like a burrito. You hair was a mess, eyes tired, and nose stuffy. You also weren't in the best mood, what with your throat practically being ripped out of you.

"Happy birthday!" Tendou exclaimed, knowing full well it wasn't actually your birthday.

You let out a tired laugh, "I would tell you to come in, but I don't want you to get whatever sickness I've managed to catch."

"No worries," Tendou said before pushing you to the side lightly and walking in, "I want a day off school anyways."

"Tendou, that was not an invite for you to come in," you sighed before closing the door to your room that you luckily had to yourself, "Anyways, what brings you here on this, er, not-so-fine day?"

"Homework," Tendou hummed, searching through his bag and pulling out your packet of homework Semi had given him, "Apparently it's due at the end of the week."

"Oh great, because I'm sick and there was nothing more I wanted than to get homework," you mumbled sarcastically, taking the packet away from Tendou with a sigh.

"Don't blame the messenger! He didn't do nothing," Tendou pleaded, earning a snicker out of you.

"Well thank you, Tendou," you hummed, "And since you've already entered the vicinity, would you like to stay and do homework with me? It'd be nice to have another person here."

Tendou gasped dramatically, placing a hand over his heart with a huge grin spread across his features, "Of course I would like to grace you with my presence."

Tendou ended up sprawled across the floor with all his books while you sat perched on your bed. The two of you had a study sort of session together, though neither one of you were actually studying the same things. Regardless of that (irrelevant) fact, the two of you still had much fun.

"I'm bored!" Tendou groaned after almost an hour of doing homework nonstop. You had barely managed to complete half your work while Tendou managed to finish mostly everything.

"Then we can take a break," you offered, putting your pen down and pushing your work to the side. "But only for 30 minutes."

"Right!" Tendou nodded, happy that he got permission to take a break, even though he didn't really need to ask.

And that break did not in fact last the amount of time you said it was supposed to.

You were supposed to only take a 30 minute break, so how did the two of you end up cuddling while taking a nap?

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