Cleaning [chapter 14]

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"Bye bye, Chiyo!" you waved from the front door of the daycare, watching the young girl and her mother walk off to the mother's car.

"Bye Ms. y/n!" she chirped, waving her hands wildly, "See you tomorrow!"

You laughed before nodding and walking inside the daycare. You let out a sigh of relief, seeing as Chiyo was the last kid to finally be picked up. That left you to clean up, along with Tendou who had shown up late that day.

Though it was expected, what with volleyball season coming back. He had practice, but still managed to make time to come to the daycare and help you out. It was a kind gesture that was probably taking a lot more out of him than he was willing to show.

You walked back to the daycare room, seeing Tendou had already started cleaning up. He was currently wiping down tables, a tired expression on his face.

You coughed, the red head changing his facial expression so he didn't look so tired. Just as you thought, he was trying to cover up how tired he actually was.

"You don't have to do that, I can clean up and you can wait for me at the front so we can leave together," you told him while walking over to him.

"I know, but it's part of my job," he retorted, going back to cleaning up the table.

"Let me rephrase," you corrected yourself, "Go sit down on the bench out front and wait for me to finish cleaning the room so we can walk back to the school together."

"I-" Tendou started to say.

"Nope! No protesting," you shook your head firmly.

"Y/n, it's fine. I promise," he replied, going back to wiping down the table.

"I don't think you understand," you grabbed his wrist, holding onto it firmly so he couldn't continue cleaning up, "I said to go wait out front."

Tendou gulped, eyes slowly looking up so he stared into your eyes. Saying he was intimidated was an understatement, though that intimidated feeling was quickly replaced with butterflies in his stomach once he realized how close the two of you were to one another.

I mean, your noses were centimeters away from touching, meaning your lips...

"Go wait while I clean," you said to him, loosening your grip on his wrist until you eventually dropped it completely.

Tendou wanted to back up, he really did. But some small part of brain was telling him not to, and that part seemed to take over how he acted.

And instead of backing away, his eyes flicked to your lips and then back to your eyes.

It shocked you a bit, but also made butterflies erupt in your stomach, well even more so than you wanted to acknowledge. You stayed still, giving a small nod of premission while still staring into his eyes.

You felt his hands cup your face, his face moving closer to yours until his lips made contact with yours.

Instinctively, you shut your eyes and melted into the kiss, your lips seeming to mold along with his. It was perfect— no just decent. I mean sure, you and wanted to be kissed by Tendou for a little while now. But in a daycare room, yeah that wasn't the ideal setting.

You were still satisfied nonetheless.

The kiss was tongueless, Tendou being the one who pulled away. His face was as bright as a tomato when he pulled away, his eyes staring into yours.

And right as you started catching your breath again, he pulled your back in for another kiss, his hands still cupping your cheeks.

And this would've continued and probably a bit more heated if it weren't for the two of you hearing footsteps coming nearer to the door.

You stood up straight, straightening out your apron as Tendou did the same, the two of you walking to different sides of the room to make it seem like you had been cleaning that whole time.

"Hey," a staff member said as they entered the room, both you and Tendou perking up at the sound of the voice, "Are the two of you almost done?"

"Yeah," Tendou answered, "Just need to finish wiping down this book shelf and then we'll be good to go."

"Oh, ok," the person nodded, "Then I'll just wait for the two of you to finish and then lock up on my own."

You and Tendou hurried, doing a poor job of cleaning up the room, though it still looked somewhat nice. You looked at each other before bursting out into laughter.

"We should go," Tendou said, wiping a fake tear from his eyes while grabbing your hand.

He led you to the door, turning off the lights and letting you close the door behind him. The two of you walked to the shelves your bags were stored, taking them out of their slots and throwing your aprons on the hooks like you were supposed to.

"We're leaving!" Tendou called out as he held the door open for the two of you to walk out of.

"Great, see you tomorrow!" they called back in response.

Tendou shut the door to the daycare, swinging your hands back and forwards. He excitedly walked down the side walk, taking a 3 second pause at each stop sign like he usually did.

You arrived at the bus stop quicker than you thought you were going to, but still just barely in time for you to make it on the bus. You payed the driver before finding two unoccupied seats right next to each other.

When you sat down you heard Tendou let out a small sigh. He kept his hand in yours, taking a deep inhale and exhale.

"I'm tired," Tendou finally admitted.

"Go to sleep," you told him, "I'll wake you up when we get to our stop."

And just like that, he was out like a light and sleeping soundly on your shoulder. His hand still held tightly onto yours, light snores coming from him along with a little bit of sleep talking.

He's adorable.

And just as you promised, you woke up Tendou when you arrived at your stop. The two of you got off, you leading the way for the sleepy Tendou.

You made sure to go to his dorm first, dropping him off for Ushijima before going to your own dorm. It was nice and peaceful, and the fact that you didn't have any homework you had to do that day made things even greater.

You felt like you were on a cloud as you skipped your way to your dorm.

"So this is love?"


"Stop bringing up songs you dumb mind."

Make me.

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