Chapter 1

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AN:Go to the table of contents and select the bit which say Edits before reading the story.Thanks!

Naruko Uzumaki ran through the streets of Konoha like her life was in danger.Which of course it was.A group of people with no life ran after her screaming,"Lets have our way with the demon!" and "Kill her!".This really was a regular Tuesday for Naruko.

She's 5 if your wondering.

She was kicked out of the orphanage at 3,raped,abused,kicked,sworn at,denied service and just been unloved for her 5 years of life.That was the softer version of whats happened to her.She really had nothing to live for.Only 3 people were ever nice to her in some way,and that was Ichiraku Teuchi and his daughter,and the Sandaime Hokage,Sarutobi Hiruzen.

While she was thinking of these slightly depressing thoughts,she ran in to a wall.She turned around in fear.The villagers grinned at her insanely,with mad looks in their eyes.A few of them pulled down their pants and tried to force her to suck on their "manhoods".She kept turning her head,until one of them suggested they knock her unconscious.This was met with agreement,and one of the shinobi in the crowd knocked her out.
'Bastards.'Was her last thought before seeing blackness.

Naruko woke up groggily in a dark room.She looked around a bit and stood up.It was a sewer.

"Ewwwww"She said drying herself off.She walked around a bit,until she reached a sort of prison with massive bars.

"So my warden visits my humble cell."A voice echoed from behind the bars.She could hear thunderous footsteps getting closer and closer.A fox emerged from behind the bars.

"Who the fuck are you,why the fuck am I here and why am I your fucking warden or shit?!"Naruko shouted.

The fox sweatdropped at the vulgar language spoken by the small girl.
"Quite a mouth on you brat."At this Naruko looked indignant,but the fix carried on regardless."If you SOMEHOW didn't know who I was,think about all the massive foxes you know."

Naruko pulled a thinking face before looking serious."I know just who you are.Your...gimme a second."Kurama facefaulted.

"I'm the fucking Kyuubi!Are you stupid?"

"Quite a mouth on you!"Naruko mocked.

"Aren't you surprised?"Kurama asked shocked.

"Should I be?The villagers call me "the fox bitch" and "demon whore".I may be 5 but don't mock my intelligence."Naruko explained.

"Then why did you act like you didn't know who I am?"

"Because."Naruko stated simply.

Kyuubi sweatdropped.

"Anyway,you haven't answered 1 of my questions.Whats your real name,and don't say Kyuubi,where am I and why am I here?"
Kyuubi was shocked.A human showed genuine interest in him?This was new.

"My name is Kurama.Bit shocked you didn't just accept my name to be Kyuubi.You are currently in your mindscape,where I'm sealed.That's because your at high risk of death currently,and your body just went into shock.You will probably awaken my little gift.As a wise theology states,equivalent exchange is the basis of reality.Due to the burden of my company,I have given you a bit of a DNA change,to accompany a certain skill.Don't worry,you won't change in looks.I gave you a gift called the Elemental Infinity.It essentially gives you all of the affinities and makes them infinite.What I mean by that,is when you use an element,you can make it as powerful as you want,with no chakra hits and from basically nowhere.This isn't something that can be switched on or off.This is forever.Any other questions?"

Naruko had stars in her eyes the entire time."That is some cool shit!"She squealed.Then it occurred to her."Shouldn't I be dead right now?The villagers surely killed me by now.And I really wanted to test that power as well..."She pouted.

"One minute here is a second out there.Your probably just starting to be raped right now.I can't actually see though.Can you tear off some of my seal?You'll have some of my chakra and I can talk to you telepathically."

Naruko did as asked."Now how do I get out?"

"Just think it.And a little tip.Just think of boiling hot flames erupting."

"Thanks for everything,Kurama-nii!"

Kurama smiled.She'll go far.

Naruko woke up with a shrimp dick in her mouth.She remembered what Kurama told her and thought of burning purple flames.Purple fire was everywhere.Unfortunately for the rapist,his dick was fried first.He died screaming in pain.

Once all the villagers were killed,Naruko ran.She didn't care where she was going,just out the village was enough.

She had made it out of Konoha!She couldn't stop grinning.She ran for a few more hours to the next town.That girl had STAMINA.

Naruko bumped in to a woman.
"I'm sorry!"She apologised.

"What's a brat like you doing on the streets at this hour?"The woman asked.

"I just ran away from a village.They kept hurting me so I left.Pretty simple."

"What village?"The woman pushed.

Naruko was starting to get a bit pissed.What was with this lady?"Konoha if you must know.But if you try to bring me back,I'll run from you too."At this the woman laughed.

"Fuck Konoha.My name is Tsunade.That there is Shizune,"Tsunade pointed at the teen with black hair and a pig in her arms,who waved in response."and the pig is Tonton.How about you stay with us?Surely you need a place to stay."Tsunade offered.Immediately after Naruko's stomach confessed her hunger,and she turned red from embarrassment.

"Y-yes please..."She accepted.

"Now what's your name?"

"Naruko Uzumaki."

The Hokage appeared with a squad of ANBU.Charred bodies were strewn everywhere.
"What happened here?"Hiruzen muttered.Then he saw it.A singular lock of hair,the purest gold he had ever seen.He darkened."I failed you...Naruko."


Naruko woke up with a full stomach and a better mindset.She looked around.It was a hotel room.Then she remembered the previous night.She smiled.She changed in to one of her horrific jumpsuits.She looked in disdain at her reflection.Truth was,she thought them ugly,but couldn't get new clothes due to cost or simply being kicked out the store.

Naruko walked down to the dining room of the hotel,where Tsunade and Shizune sat,with Tonton had his own seat.She walked over to them.
"Thank you for your hospitality,Tsunade-san."Naruko bowed.BOWED.NARUKO was being POLITE??WHAT???

"Brat its fine.Just call me Tsunade.Also I've been thinking.How would you like to stay with us for a bit longer?It would be pretty cool having you on board.Plus you'll learn medical jutsu!"Tsunade sold.

"R-really?"Naruko was ecstatic.

"Only if you want to."

"Thank you so much!"Naruko grinned.

"First order of business,get new clothes!"

AN:Short chapter,but I dont wanna rush the story.Did you like it? Please read and review! No flames tho

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