Chapter 7

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Tsunade slammed her fists on to the desk.Everything was just so wrong in her life.Naruko leaves,Iwa and Oto formed an alliance and waged war against Konoha,they had no allies,and a new village by the name of Shizengakure No Sato (Hidden Nature Village) popped up,and gained all of Konoha's old allies.To add to that,a new shinobi codenamed The Elemental Beauty was starting to gain all of the bounties which Konoha needed for money.In the bingo book she was SSS Class,the strongest person in the Elemental Nations.

Then it struck Tsunade.

If Konoha offered her payment for her services,then perhaps they could win this war.She shouted to her ANBU.
"ANBU!Get me the Konoha 12 and the sensei!"

The 12 and their sensei walked in.

Naruko was replaced by Haku,and Asuma was replaced by Genma.
Most of them improved.Neji,Lee and Ino were all Elite Jonin.All 3 were almost self destructive with the amount of training they did.None of then got over Naruko.

Ino was Tsunade's apprentice,and learnt everything there was to know about medical jutsu.She even had the Byakugou,but hid it under a genjutsu.

The Chunins were Choji,Shikamaru,Haku,Shino and Sasuke.None of them had any real motivation behind their training,but they still improved themselves.Except for Sasuke,of course.
Thr Council forced Tsunade to promote the last Uchiha.He had become extremely arrogant,without Naruko to keep him grounded.He tried to run away multiple times,but failed them all miserably.He acted like he was too good for "non elite" training,and was around the same power level as his 14 year old self.Of course that didn't stop Sakura from swooning over him.
The worst part about his transformation,was his attitude towards Mikoto.He pushed her away,and when he was especially frustrated,verbally and sometimes even sexually abused her.She could never speak up,due to fear and embarassment.

The Genin were Kiba,Hinata,Sakura and Tenten.
Kiba was almost as arrogant as Sasuke,and still had his disgusting mindset.
Hinata and the rest of the Hyuuga pushed for her to be promoted,but the Hyuuga didn't have nearly as much influence as the great Uchiha Clan.
Sakura did nothing,except stalk Sasuke.The only training she put in,was watching Ino train.
Teneten remained Genin due to her belief that all she needed were weapons.Of course,she was a master at the art of weaponry,but she never expanded,and often had to be saved by her team when she ran out of weapons.

The biggest change,however,was between Kakashi and Kurenai.They had gotten married,and were trying for a child.Kakashi and Kurenai were the perfect image of a couple.

Tsunade cleared her throat to the shinobi in front of her.
"Thank you for coming.I am sending you on a non violent S Class mission of extreme importance.You must track down the Elemental Beauty,and convince her to fight for Konoha.Accept any offer she wants.Understood?"

They nodded.

"She was last seen at Shizen.Thankfully,that is in the Land of Nature,a neutral country.Apparently she is meant to be beautiful,obviously,so Kiba,keep your thoughts to yourself.Go!"

The Konoha 12 walked up to a post of 2 guards.
"So what is meant to be here?"Genma asked.
The guards noticed them.
"State your names and purpose to visit Shizen."They said proudly.
"We are from Konoha.We want to talk to the Elemental Beauty."Kakashi said.
The guards' faces dropped.
"She is here currently.But since you are from a foreign land,one of us must take you to the Shizenkage.So follow me."

The Konoha 12 and the guard walked past the post,through a Waterfall.They expected to become soaked,but they strangely felt replenished.
"So you don't have malicious intent.That water would immediately kill anybody with a will to hurt Shizen somehow.I can take you to our Leader now."The guard said,smiling now.

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