Chapter 2

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[9 YEARS LATER] (AN:They're 14)

"Do we HAVE to go to Konoha Kaa-san?"A beautiful young woman complained.She had a sword behind her,a robe which revealed her cleavage,and electric blue eyes.

"Trust me,I don't want to,but you said you wanted to become a shinobi,and you can only do that in Konoha since TECHNICALLY your still a citizen. Urghhhhh."A blonde woman with massive boobs,and a green haori moaned.

"Tsunade-sama,Naruko-imoto,shut up.Its for your own good."A mature woman with black hair spoke out.

"Shizuneeeeeeeeee/Shizuneeeeeeeeee-oniisan!!!!!"The 2 blonde women whined simultaneously.

During the 11 years spent with Tsunade and Shizune,Naruko learnt a great deal.For a start, she created an ultimate jutsu for each element.

For Lightning Style she had the Ultimate Lightning Style:Punishment from The Heavens which she created by using her Fire Chakra to create enough heat to rattle the electrons in the air and channel them in to a dragon shape.It could reach the Earth faster than the speed of light if so chosen.She created a weaker version of this called Kirin,which had less power.The best part part about the incredible destruction of this jutsu is that it takes almost no chakra.

For Wind Style she had the Ultimate Wind Style:A Thousand Cuts Of Agony.The theory of the jutsu is to raise the enemy off the ground and cut them at the molecular level using wind scythes.It will look like the enemy has only been raised off the ground but they would immediately drop dead after.It took an amazing amount of chakra control and wind mastery for the technique.She also found a way to fly using wind chakra,by using the nitrogen in the air to lift himself off the oxygen with wind chakra.

For Water Style,she created the Ultimate Water Style:Four Pillars of Aqua.The principle of it is to take water from the air and ground and raise it in 4 massive pillars shooting from the sky and crush the enemy.She also created an assassination jutsu called Water Style:Extreme Drainage.The idea is to grab a hold of the water in a person's body and drain it out into the air.It took too much chakra control for anyone but a few to use though.

For Fire,she made the Ultimate Fire Style:Great Fire Storm Of the Earth.What the theory is here,is that Naruko uses fire chakra to feed on heat in the Earth for a bit and when Naruko sees fit,she can make it erupt and create a fire storm.It takes quite a bit of time however.

Naruko made an Earth Ultimate Attack.She called it the Ultimate Earth Style:Destruction Core. It basically used power from the Earth itself,creates a massive asteroid and smashes it to the ground using brute chakra.(AN:Think Chibaku Tensei,but without the gravity).

(AN:Yes this is from my story on hiatus.I loved the idea of these justu I created.I stressed that,because I created them.)

She learnt a way of Kenjutsu named the Elemental Style.She learnt it from Kurama.She essentially uses fire chakra for attack on her sword,lightning chakra for speed,water chakra for parries,wind chakra for disarming and earth chakra for defense.

That isn't to say she's useless without her sword.She learnt medical jutsu,and Tsunade's way of fighting.She superpowered her punches with chakra.She had gravity and resistance seals along with this for speed.She was faster than even Minato Namikaze without them.

Her skill with seduction was amazing.Turns out that nearly all men are suckers for boobs.Whenever Tsunade had to pay back a loan shark,Naruko wore her most revealing dress and make up and jiggled her boobs around a lot.Always worked.

Her biggest improvement was with Kurama however.She was a perfect Jinchuriki,and she could summon foxes now.She spoke with Kurama for virtually every problem she came across.In return,she changed her mindscape to something a little more pleasurable for the fox.Due to their bond,Naruko gained extraordinary sensing abilities.She could sense emotions and chakra natures.It was extremely useful.

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