The Golden Wings of Blade

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Last Time on The Spade Rider

Tachibana: Its because... the Rider System was the reason.. that the previous users of the system became monsters!!

Kakeru wakes up and walks downstairs and saw Ceylon reading a note.
Kakeru takes a peek on the note along with Ceylon. The note says:

Ceylon, Kakeru.

I will be away because of a meeting so you two can do whatever you want. I also managed to unlock the Rouze Absorber thing and found some cards inside that might help Blade in his battles.

From Mayor Dyokos.

Kakeru then picks up the Rouze Absorber and the cards. The first one is a card with the letter J and a Eagle, the second one has a Q and a Capricorn, and the third one has a K with a Caucasus Beetle on it. Ceylon then placed the letter down and sits on the couch.

Kakeru then opened the TV and saw the police fighting an Undead that looks like a Armadillo. Ceylon picks up the Rouze Absorber and rides on the motorcycle with Kakeru.

Kakeru takes off his helmet and gets off the motorcycle and faced Ceylon, who got off the motorcycle.

Kakeru: Ceylon-san, please evacuate the people here.

Ceylon: Alright. Be careful.

Kakeru smiled.

Kakeru: I will.

Ceylon then tells the people to follow her. Kakeru transforms into Blade and engaged the Armadillo Undead in combat but the enemy's though shell made it impossible for the Rider to lay a scratch on him.

The Undead lands a powerful punch on the Rider causing the Gemini Zebra card to land somewhere and got picked up by Tachibana, who watches the Spade Rider fighting the Undead. Ceylon then went back and saw Blade getting stomped by the Undead.

Ceylon: Kakeru!!

The Undead stopped stomping on Blade and then approaches Ceylon, who pulls out the Rouze Absorber out and tries to throw it at Blade but the Undead knocks her out with a backhand. Blade then catches the Rouze Absorber and puts it on his left wrist. Blade then noticed Ceylon on the ground and screamed.


Tachibana transforms into Garren and shoots the Undead and then engages it to a combat. Blade then opens the Rouze Absorber and pulls the Fusion Jack and Absorb Queen Cards and then inserts the Absorb Queen card into the Absorber and swipes the Fusion Jack card on the Absorber. The Armadillo then knocks Tachibana out of his trasformation and dashes towards Blade.

Rouze Absorber: Absorb Queen! Fusion Jack!

A golden eagle emerges from the Absorber which flings the Undead back and merges with Blade, giving him wings and extends the Blay Rouzer into the Empowered Blay Rouzer. The shine of the form managed to wake Ceylon up and witnessed Blade's transformation into Jack Form.

Ceylon: Amazing...

Tachibana: So this is Blade's new power... Blade Jack form...

Battle Theme (Kara Miso Time):

Blade then drew his sword and engages the Undead and managed to land hits on it despite the monster having tough armor. The Mayor arrived along with the police and witnessed Blade fighting the Undead.

Dobberman got out of one of the police cars and witnessed the Blue Rider fighting the monster and went to the mayor's side.

Dobberman: Who is the ally and the enemy here.

Mayor: The blue one is an ally and our new protector.

Blade Jack then kicks the Undead off and pulls out two cards out of his sword and swipes them on the Empowered Blay Rouzer.

Blay Rouzer: Thunder! Slash! Lightning Slash!

Blade Jack then flew up and dives down and then slashes the Undead with a slash of lightning and seals the Undead into a card and gives it to
Tachibana, who took the card and stands up.

Ceylon stands up and rushes to Kakeru's side when he untransformed and collapsed on the ground. The mayor approaches Kakeru along with Tachibana.

Ceylon: Hey, Kakeru, What's wrong!!

Kakeru looked at Ceylon and spoke.

Kakeru: I think I can't feel my legs..

Ceylon then helped Kakeru up and smiled.

Ceylon: Don't force yourself if you cant stand up.

Tachibana: This is your first time using Jack Form, after all.

Kakeru then looked at Tachibana and smiled.

Kakeru: Aren't you supposed to be fleeing from the scene, Tachibana.

Tachibana laughs a bit.

Tachibana: I'm going to stick around with you until we can get back to our world.

Dobberman approached them and speaks.

Dobberman: I am Dobberman. Can you tell us about the monsters that appeared here.

Kakeru then tells the officer everything that he knew about the Monster and that he and Tachibana are from a different world. Dobberman nods and speaks.

Dobberman: So these monsters are from your world and the only way to defeat them is to have you contain them in cards??

Kakeru: Yes.

Dobberman: We need your contact info just in case one of those monsters attack.

Kakeru then pulled out a blue flip phone and gave Dobberman his number. Dobberman then smiled and walked away.

Dobberman: It was nice meeting you, Kazuma Kakeru.

At the Dyokos House, Tachibana is having dinner with Mayor and talked about lots of things. Kakeru sat on his bed staring at the Rouze Absorber and a Caucasus-like monster appeared behind him.

Kakeru: Why did you turn my brother into an Undead.

???: I told him to never use it a lot but his recklessness is what caused him to become the Joker Undead.

Kakeru tightly clenched his fist.

???: Also.. If you met Hajime Hirakawa... you two will have a showdown to see who is the next Joker Undead..

Kakeru: What do you mean-!!

As Kakeru turn around, the Undead he was talking to disappeared. He then heard a knock on the door and opened it revealing Ceylon.

Ceylon: Kakeru, dinner is ready.

Kakeru turns around and smiled.

Kakeru: Okay.

Kakeru stood up and walked out of his room with Ceylon and all four of them ate dinner. Somewhere in a building, a black rider with Red eyes appeared with the Whip Rouze Card.

???: So you are the new Blade, Kenzaki Kakeru..

Who is this mysterious Black Rider and the Undead that Kakeru is talking to. Find out Next Time!!

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