3. Alone Again

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Italics represent thoughts, flashbacks, and memories.

Bold represents sign language or when Y/N spells into hands.

Underline represents important documents or letters being read aloud



First Person POV:

I opened my eyes as the streets awoke. I whined, feeling a stinging in my neck as I sat up. Swinging my legs over the edge of the bed, I looked over to the window. It wasn't big or very translucent because of the broken glass and bars, but it was enough for me to tell that it had to be daytime.

That means momma should be home! Maybe her and gamma will take me walking today.

I leaped from the bed and ran into the other room. I clapped my hands together, hoping to get the attention of either of my family members, but gasped when I slipped on mud instead. My back hit the floor and I wheezed, trying to get my lungs functioning normally again.


I grimaced as I felt the mud seeping through my F/C nightgown.

I sure do hope momma bought some soap from the market. Mud is disgusting.

I sat up and looked at my arms, but froze. The mud that covered them was tinged red, something that I have never seen before. Curiously, I pulled my gown around and groaned as I saw the same mess on the back of the gown.

What is this?

I sniffed, but paused as a metallic scent filled the air.


My eyes drifted to the right of me where our table was, but I felt my chest tighten. The wood was broken and scattered across the room, along with the candles we use at night to see. The dirt floor was untouched in some parts, but in other areas it was tinged red. I looked further to the couch, following the crimson trail until it rested on my gamma.

What? Why..I-I why is she..?

My heart leaped into my stomach as I saw her laying there, unmoving. She was half on the couch, with her hands up to her neck. I felt my breath quicken as I saw wounds on her neck, her arms, and her hands.


I felt my lip tremble as I crept over to where she was. I held my breath, feeling sick looking at how much blood covered her arms and torso; though, it all seemed to be on her right side. It puddled down onto the table and ended about where I had fallen.


I began to cry the longer I stared at her face. Her eyes were wide and glassy, similar to how daddy's was the day we left. Her mouth was slightly agape with some of her grey hair matted to her lips. Blood freckled her cheeks along with some purple, almost black, bruises.

I jumped backwards, as if I had been burned, and screamed. I landed in the floor and scooted until my back was against the wall. I took my trembling hand and made my palm flat, jamming my thumb repeatedly against my thumb.

"Momma! Momma! Momma! MOM-"


I don't know how long I had screamed until it became a faint whisper. My chin was sore and raw as I kept pushing my thumb against it, hoping gamma would look over and tell me where momma was. It was apparent she never came back to see me; she would have slept beside me last night, holding me close in her arms.

I let my hand drop into my lap. It was cramping up now, as well as my neck. My gaze was focused on the mud puddle in front of me. I couldn't bring myself to look at gamma; I wanted to let her rest because of how injured she was.

As I sat there, pulling my knees to my chest, I felt my stomach growl.

No, I can't eat. Not now. Momma said she would be back.

So, I did as she had told me before she left: I left gamma alone and minded my business. Though, after I had fallen asleep a few times while waiting, it became harder to do. The longer I sat there, the worse the room smelled. I don't know if it was something new in the streets, or maybe even the market, but it made my stomach churn constantly. I even smelt it when I was dreaming. I did wonder if gamma smelt it to, but I didn't dare look up to ask her.

She needed to rest, but my stomach was beginning to ache.

When did I last eat? Did momma come home when I was asleep?

I lifted my head to the doorway, noticing how it was broken off of the hinges. The handle was bent, and wood fragments littered the floor. Frowning, I tried pulling myself up, but my arms were too weak, so I laid on my side and pushed myself up that way.

Thankfully, I managed to stand; though, I was unsure of what to do.

Gamma has never been this quiet, and she certainly wouldn't be okay with how the house smelled.

With a deep breath, I ran to the door and made my way outside. I never memorized the streets, or where our walking paths were, but I just knew one thing: I'd to find momma myself. She can wake gamma up better than I can.

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