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Hello and welcome to the world of pokemon where there are powerful creatures across the land of pokemon but these are not your ordinary Pokemon that you have seen before there are delta pokemon and if you don't know that they look like here a video to help you out.

Now we see 5 brave heroes on their journey. Let's see what lies ahead of them for this adventure.

We see two pokemon running away from something.

???: I told you this was a bad Idea Aipom.

Pokedex: Aipom the Ghost-Normal type pokemon. It sneakily places the end of its tail on people's shoulders, making others wonder if they saw a white hand.

Aipom: This was your idea Cyndaquil.

Pokedex: Cyndaquil the Electric type pokemon. When placed in darkness, it will automatically generate more and more electricity from its tesla coil.

Cyndaquil: Well still where in trouble if we don't find a way to get away from Liepard.

Pokedex: Liepard the Ghost-Fairy type pokemon and the evolved form of Purrloin. This Pokémon makes use of illusions and trickery to catch its prey.

Liepard: Come back here you little preys so I can gobble you up.

Aipom: Cyndaquil do something!

Cyndaquil: Right. Hey Liepard, try this. Thunder shock!

Cyndaquil used Thunder shock on the Liepard but it barely did any damage and did not get paralyze.

Aipom: Well that plan failed.

Cyndaquil: Darn I was hoping we could get away from Liepard when he was paralyze.

The two of them keep running till they run past Ludicolo as he spins around as he gets dizzy for a bit then Liepard makes Ludicolo fall over as they were still running til they hear Ludicolo say.

Ludicolo: You darn kids stay off of my property.

Pokedex: Ludicolo the Psychic-Water type pokemon and the evolved form of Lombre. Its knowledge and strength make it a common source of advice for its community. It produces massive barriers to protect those important to it.

The two of them keep running till they reach a dead end looking up to see it was a very tall cliff as they both look behind them to see Liepard.

Liepard: Finally you two have nowhere else to run.

???: What did you two idiot do now?

They all look up to see someone landed right in front of them. It looks like an ice sculpture with an insectoid body both Aipom and Cyndaquil know who it is.

Aipom and Cyndaquil: Scyther!

Pokedex: Scyther the Ice-Fighting type pokemon. Its scythes are immensely sharp but also very fragile, and can easily be shattered when hit from the side.

Scyther: What did you two do this time.

He looked at both Aipom and Cyndaquil as they were nervous of what to say till Cyndaquil tried to speak up.

Cyndaquil: Well . . .

Aipom: Cyndaquil wanted to train his new move but we ended up getting too close to Liepard.

Scyther just shook his head side to side then looked back at Liepard who was ready to strike.

Scyther: Well look I'll have to save your sorry butt again you two.

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