Chapter 4

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While the big guys calling on his scroll everyone else was having a get to know each other talk.

Coco: I have a question to ask Milotic.

Milotic: Go ahead ask away.

Coco: What type of faunus are you guys?

Aipom: Faunus?

Quilava: What a heck is a faunus?

Velvet: Faunus is like me for an example. It when people have animal traits on the human body. Like they can have ears, tails, or other animal traits.

Larvesta: Oh . . . I . . . thought . . . those . . . ears aren't real.

Fox: There real alright.

Coco: Don't even think about pulling her ear Fox.

Fox: Whoa chill. I wasn't going to do that to our teammate you know that.

Yatsuhashi: Alright guys our ride should be here till an hour to pick us up.

Coco: Thank for the head us big guy. Anyway back to the question.

Milotic: I don't think we can answer that question of your Coco.

Velvet: I'm guessing is that they don't know what animal traits they have I mean you don't see anyone with a tail that look like it a skeleton and having Ice on their back. No offense you two.

Milotic and Scyther: None taken.

Aipom: Also you don't have sparky tail as well.

Quilava: Hey what that supposed to mean?!

Aipom: Well I mean you could try not to shock someone with that tail of yours.

Quilava: Oh yeah at least I have a tail that I can see unlike your.

Aipom: Oh your wanting to go round two.

Quilava: Oh I'm about to shock the hack out of you.

Quilava and Aipom where about to fight till they both get smack at the head by Milotic.

Milotic: Both of you quit it. Both of you two will not like me when I'm mad.

Milotic eyes started to glow dark as he was about to hurt them with night shade as both Quilava and Aipom started to apologize to each other.

Velvet: Dang Milotic can be scary.

Scyther: Tell me about it but without him we all won't be here at all.

Coco: How did you guys meet anyway?

Larvesta: That . . . another . . . story to . . . be told . . . later.

Coco understand then pat the smol bean head as she can not control the fact that Larvesta is the cute bean to be seen.

Velvet: I see that you still haven't change about liking cute thing.

Coco: Can you blame me to see adorable bean.

Larvesta blush while Scyther just watch and just chuckle as he was this an hour past by as they all hear some thing that was heading toward them from the sky and see it was a flying vehicle as it land it open as team cfvy started to get in along with the rest of them as it started to take off and head to beacon. while it was the five pokemon was at whao that they where riding a flying a vehicle.

Aipom: Whoa ever know it can travel at this high.

Yatsuhashi: I guessing that you ever ride a bullhead before.

Scyther: I guessing that what this vehicle was called.

Fox: You guess it.

Coco was looking at her scroll and was seeing what time it was Larvesta was a bit curious to see what that thing she is holding.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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