Chapter 1

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We see 5 hero heading to some where they have never gone before now we see what happen as one of the 5 hero waking up.

???: Ugh what happen?

???2: Well look like your awake Aipom.

Aipom started to look around only to see a 2 year old human with red eyes, purple hair, black shirt, black pants, black shoes, purple socks and two black horn.

Aipom: Um who are you?

???: Don't you know me. It me Larvesta.

Aipom: Larvesta?! But your human.

Larvesta: So are you.

Aipom look confuse so he look at a nearby pond to see his refection. Only to see him also being a human as well. He look like a 10 year old with black hair with a white tip, with black eyes and white pupil, grey shirt with a silver sweater with long sleeves, black pants that go other the knees, blue socks and red sneakers. then he look behind to see he still have his ghost tail on him then look back at Larvesta.

Aipom: Okay. But I have one question why didn't you wake us up?

Larvesta: Well that because I been trying but I can barely walk.

Aipom: Oh right. hmm well look like I'm going have to wake the other up.

Aipom look at Milotic. He look like he was an adult with long slick black hair, purple eyes, wearing grey and black pants, a purple and black strip shirt, and have no shoe. Then Aipom look at Cyndaquil. He look like he as a short yellow hair with a light blue tip at the front, he look like a 5 year old, with blue eyes, he wear an orange shirt with a tan oval, wear a yellow pant and sneakers, has orange sock, And still have his electric tail. Then Aipom look at Scyther. He have his icicle on his back, with light blue color eyes, Light blue hair, he is a teenager with Light blue clothing for all of his clothes and shoes.

Aipom: Okay I can tell who they are the way they look and I can recognize what pokemon part they have.

Aipom then started to drag both Milotic and Scyther toward the nearby pond then throws both of them in then he pick up Cyndaquil with his ghost tail then throws him in the pond causing an electric shock in the pond causing all three of them to wake up in pain.

Milotic: Ugh . . . Aipom I thought I told you not to do that again.

Milotic look what he thought it was Aipom but what he see is a human kid.

Milotic: Um . . . who are you kid?

Aipom: It's me Aipom. *move his ghost tail for proof* See.

Milotic: But your human.

Aipom: We all ended up being human. Look at yourself

Milotic, Cyndaquil, and Scyther look at their reflection and they all started to scream. after they finish screaming they all got out of the pond. Well almost everyone.

Milotic: A little help here. I don't know how to walk.

Scyther: Here let me help.

Scyther help out Milotic as they got out of the pond.

Scyther: Well I'm not use to having hand.

Cyndaquil: None of us are use of being human at all.

Larvesta: Well I still wander if we are able to use are move still.

Then they started to hear some growling as they see some creature all of them were black and have some white.

Scyther: Well It time that we find out.

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