Chapter 2

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It was morning hour as our heroes were asleep till Aipom fell from the branch he was sleeping on as he landed on top of Cyndaquil's head with his head as both of them were now awake.

Cyndaquil: Hey the hell was that for Aipom!

Aipom: I didn't do anything.

Cyndaquil: You landed on top of my head!

Aipom: Well it wasn't my fault that you were sleeping underneath me!

Cyndaquil: Oh so you want to have a fight with me then!

Aipom: Maybe I will.

Cyndaquil and Aipom look at each other with a frustrated look as their shouting causes everyone else to wake up.

Scyther: It looks like they're at it again.

Larvesta: When will they even learn to get along with each other.

Milotic get Larvesta off of his head as he set Larvesta on the ground then head straight for Cyndaquil and Aipom then smack both of them on top of their head.

Milotic: Both of you shut up or you're going to get more of those's creatures coming to us.

Cyndaquil and Aipom stop their pointless argument as Milotic sigh as he starts looking at the supplies to see what he can do.

Milotic: Scyther can you find a good location for us to set up camp take Aipom with you.

Scyther nods as he and Aipom both headed out to find a spot.

Larvesta: What are we going to do while they're doing that?

Milotic: Well Larvesta you and Cyndaquil are going to train. Also Larvesta you got a new move that you're going to get used to it.

Larvesta: I learn a new move? when did I get a new move?

Milotic: Well you got it yesterday. It was from a Tm venoshock

Larvesta: Oh alright I'll try to see how I can use it. It'll take me a while to use it.

Milotic: Just try not to hit Cyndaquil on accident.

Cyndaquil: I heard that.

Larvesta: So what are you going to do while we're training.

Milotic: I'm going to see what information I can get from those books Aipom got from the village.

Larvesta understands as both him and Cyndaquil head out as Milotic started to grab a book to start out his knowledge about the world their in.

Else were for Scyther and Aipom

Scyther: So any good spot for a camping place.

Aipom: I think there one near the river we can get a good spot there.

Scyther: Alright.

Scyther sees some of the same creatures around the area.

Scyther: It looks like we're going to fight again.

Aipom: Alright let just take care of it. This is going to be a long day.

Scyther started the attack with vacuum wave at some of the enemy. Aipom uses the move astonish his ghost tail move fast that the enemy did not see what hit them.

Else where with Larvesta and Cyndaquil.

Cyndaquil uses thunder shock a few trees while Larvesta is trying to understand his new move.

Cyndaquil: I just don't understand what your saying at Larvesta. We still have our power and those beasts won't be a match for us.

Larvesta: Well I'm just saying what if there is a more powerful beast that even stronger than use.

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