Chapter 3

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Everyone was settling in the area that Aipom and Scyther had found to set up camp while Milotic was setting up camp Larvesta was trying his best on cooking the off with a little help of Quilava starting the fire.

Larvesta: Some of these new food I have not seen before I hope I can make something good with these ingredients I have.

Quilava: Well try your best. Those cooking lessons that you got from Oranguru should help you out.

Pokedex: Oranguru the Normal/Psychic-type. Known for high intelligence, Oranguru has a tendency to be callous toward an inexperienced.

Larvesta: Your right I'll see if I can make curry with these ingredients I have.

Aipom: How are you feeling Scyther.

Scyther: I feel like I got hit by a truck.

Milotic: You'll be fine.

Aipom: So Milotic what did you find out so far about the place where at?

Milotic: Well the place where at is called forever fall forest, and the world we are in is called Remnant.

Quilava: And the beast that we were fighting against.

Milotic: There called Grimm they don't have a soul that we have but they feed on negative emotion.

Larvesta: Food is about to be ready.

Milotic: Alright I'm about to finish setting up the tent.

Milotic was finishing setting up the tent while Aipom helped Scyther get back on his feet as Quilava got the plate and silverware. Larvesta just finish making the curry as he tries his best to cook the food. 

Larvesta: Alright get your plate so I can give you guys the curry I made.

He passed the curry on each of their plates as they set down and the location Aipom set on the tree branch, Scyther is sitting on a bolder, Milotic was near Larvesta and Quilava is sitting next to the tree as they eat the curry that Larvesta made they were enjoying the moment of eating the food as till something catch Milotic eyes as he sees something flypast by them above there head everyone else was to busy eating.


The flying vehicle landed in the forever fall forest as it started to open to see 4 people heading out of the vehicle. There were two males and two females. One has a purse with bandoleer on her along with sunglasses along with a hat as she wears brown and black clothing with brown hair it looks like she was all about fashion. Right beside her is a bunny girl as she has a box behind her back along with long brown hair. she wears brown and black clothing with some gold armor on her. Alongside he had red hair with a redshirt as both of his wrists were holding his weapon with blades at the back. And the last one was a big guy with a big sword as he wears a lime green outfit along with lime green armor only that his left shoulder.

???: Alright team cfvy we got a job to do. Velvet you remember the mission right?

Velvet: What but I thought you remember it, Coco.

???2: Calm down Velvet she just testing you on your memory.

Coco: Right you are Fox. Yatsuhashi how are our supplies doing?

Yatsuhashi: They're doing alright but did you really need to bring a hairdryer with you?

Coco: Well as team leader I say it is. Anyway, our mission is that we need to find something that ended up being in this forest. Ozpin has chosen us for a reason and we have to do our best and work as a team.

Fox: You think something is that impotent that he sent us to handle it?

Yatsuhashi: It alright Fox you don't have to be worry we dealt worse.

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