Chapter 1: The end of a normal life

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I👏Will👏Rewrite👏this👏shit👏at👏some👏point👏I👏fucking👏get👏it👏too👏much👏focus👏on👏fucking👏issei👏it👏will 👏be👏rewritten👏shut👏the👏fuck👏up👏please👏

You were bleeding on the ground a hole right in the middle of your chest, the body of your brother Issei laying a few meters away from you, your vision was starting to get blurry you couldn't feel the rest of your body but you still were able to move you look towards Issei.

Y/N: "(So... This is how I die? It almost feels like some sort of dream, my chest is burning, it feels like it's burning me inside out... A hot chick with wings just kills my friend, notices me, and stabs me with a glowing spear... I think I'm going crazy) 

Suddenly a red light appears and a girl with crimson hear appears from it.

???: "I have come, your the one who summoned me are you not?"

Issei and Y/N: "(Whoa... who's that?)"

???: "Since death is upon you... I shall take both of you from now on. You will live your life for my sake"

You suddenly jolt awake and sit up on your bed, you look around and notice that you are in your room. You were confused as you rub your eyes and suddenly get desperate. You fall from your bed trying to get up in a hurry and look at the mirror and take off your shirt.

Y/N: "It's... Healed?" You said with a confused expression on your face "No. There's no way a wound like would just heal overnight without any treatment whatsoever. Was it really just a dream? Impossible it felt too real to be a dream" You get interrupted by the alarm clock going off so you go towards it and turn it off

(Issei POV)

I woke up in my bed my body felt heavy and sluggish my alarm was going off so I turned it off and sat up in my bed.

Issei: "Ugh, this thing gives me the weirdest dreams... Hold on" I head out of my room and see Y/N already eating breakfast he looks at me and waves.

Y/N: "Morning pervert"

Issei: "Morning...*silence* Heeeeey!"

Gorou: "Hahaha nice one Y/N" He said putting his hand up for a high five

Y/N: "*high five* Thanks"

Miki: "Oh stop it you two"

Y/N: "Why, just stating facts. So which of your mags did you beat to yesterday?"

Issei: "None of them" He said in an annoyed tone.

Miki: "Y/N Stop it please, were eating you know"

Y/N: "Sorry mom"


After that Issei sits down and eats his breakfast and both of you go into your rooms to prepare for school you took a shower, brushed your teeth, prepared your uniform and set up the school materials you needed for today.

And head out of your house.

Y/N: "Were going!"

Miki: "Ok have a good day at school"

Issei: "Bye mom"

Miki: "Bye Issei, bye Y/N"

You and Issei started walking to school, on the way there you noticed Issei being a little bit down or was he confused perhaps? You decided to ask him what's and he just responds saying "It's nothing"

Y/N: "Come on bro, you can tell me"

Issei: "*Sighs* Fine, you remember the girl I presented to you yesterday"

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