Chapter 24: Aftermath

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It had been about a week after the whole crashing a wedding thing that happened, after Rias was saved from marrying Riser by Issei she just suddenly decided to start living with us as well but mornings had been rather chaotic. You'd always wake up in the morning with screaming or sound coming from Issei's room.

But it wasn't cause he was getting his pole greased by the girls or anything, it was just Rias and Asia fighting over him and this morning was no different from the past week

Y/N: "Uuugh... It's this shit again" You look at the clock to see it was 5AM "It's time to get up anyway, so they just served as an alarm clock for me" You came out of your room and went downstairs in the living room, today Rias wanted to prepare breakfast for everyone

Gorou: "So good, I know your technically foreign but this tastes like the real deal"

Y/N: "I agree, didn't know you could cook so well prez"

Rias: "Well I've been living here for a while now"

Issei: "Either way I've never had anything this good, yum"

Rias: "Thank you, that was sweet"

Y/N: "Why did you say yum at the end of that?" You could see Asia pouting and pinching Issei's arm of jealousy "Heh"

Miki: "I have to admit Rias, I was surprised that you wanted to board here like Asia is doing. But I can't help but love that you help out with cooking"

Rias: "Helping you is only natural mother"

Miki: "Let's not forget about how much Asia has been doing with the cooking and laundry too, you are both so appreciated"

Asia: "Like Rias said your taking care of us, so it's only natural"

Rias: "Oh mother, would it be an imposition for the club members to come over after school today?"

Miki: "Sure that's fine"

Issei: "What are you talking about? Here?"

Y/N: "Something happen to the clubroom?"

Rias: "The old school building is having it's annual spring cleaning, so the occult research club won't be able to meet there this afternoon"

Asia: "Having the club meetings at home seems kind of fun, I can help host it you want me to make sure the tea is ready?"

Rias: "Oh yes, that would be wonderful Asia"

==Time skip==

We headed to class and continued with our day normally

Issei: "*Sighs* Ever since that bs went down with Riser, Rias has been way nicer to me than she's ever been before and every time that happens Asia gets weird about it"

Y/N: "Oh Issei, what a dense mother fucker you are"

Issei: "Still tho I can't help but wonder what that 'sexy communication' might be"

Matsuda: "Hey Issei! What you smiling like a bitch for son?" Matsuda pulls on his ear

Y/N: "Oh hey you two"

Matsuda and Motohama: "Sup"

Issei: "Ow, dude what is your problem!" Motohama slams his hands on Issei's desk

Motohama: "There have been some rather odd rumours about you lately might wanna be more careful"

Issei: "What rumours?"

Motohama: "One for example is that your messing around with super hot ladies and following the path of certain evil"

Matsuda: "Yeah yeah for real, and that your using Rias and that fly ass Akeno's secrets as blackmail for nasty erotic shit man!"

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