Me and Alex decided to go for a random drive around a small town within Georgia. We drove by this one alley that brought back a flood of memories 'Hey Ana remember when we got wasted there?', He said chuckling 'Haha very funny 5sos preference, but yea', I squinted my eyes as the sun blared through the window.

We eventually stopped in front the Movie Theatre. 'You up for Women In Black 2?', He asked as he unbuckled 'We haven't even saw the first one!',I laughed 'That's a yes c'mon', he opened his door and got out 'Whatever',i mumbled. We walked in and the smell of popcorn filled my nose, it made me utterly hungry. 'Imma go get some popcorn want anything?', I asked as I pulled out my wallet 'Can you get a coke for us to share? And some candy', He asked 'Yea sure', I smirked as I walked off over to the line.

When I was done getting our snacks I met Alex over by the stands that led into the auditoriums, he have the lady the tickets and we went on back. When we got into the auditorium we obviously haven't missed anything but there were lots of people, we both don't like we sat all the way in the back. 'Alex slow the fuck down the movie hasn't even started', I took the bowl of popcorn away from him noticing how he would finish it if I let him 'Shut the fuck up', he said rather loudly 'How about you', I yelled back taking a sip of Coke 'Slow down Ana you're gonna drink it before the movie starts', he mocked 'Touché', I replied as I set the cup down.

The movie started and the lights went dim and the movie started to play, it was based in London obviously by the accents. As I sat watching the movie I zoned out and thought about the compliment he gave me earlier, it's not like he hasn't gave me one before...its just the vibes that I got were different, yea he's told me I'm beautiful randomly and even when he was drunk but this, this time it was different.

I was knocked out of my trance when shock came over the audience and I heard Alex's scream next to me 'Holy shit', he yelled and I could hear the giggles spread out in the crowd 'Wasn't even scary', I mumbled trying to cover up that I wasn't paying attention 'Shut the fuck up you were just thinking about shit', he took a sip of the soda. How the fuck would he know.....

Needs (Alex Ramos)Where stories live. Discover now