Chapter 7 - Hospital

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Marinette is helping her dad in the bakery and serves up food and bakes so that she can take her mind of her life for a while. Her dad passes her fresh bread to put out and she does that. She earns tips from some of the Parisians who drop by in the shop and it makes her slightly happy but that happiness fades away when Luka walked in the bakery as his eyes gazed up at Marinette's all he did was roll them and couldn't feel the life of her body when Lila walked in after him making Marinette drop every clean plate in her hands and everyone gazed their eyes up at her even Luka and Lila which made her giggle like an evil witch and Marinette just ran up to the flats in order to go to her room and cry because her life was getting worse and worse by the day.

Marinette looked out at the balcony and felt possessed not knowing how far she was leaning until she felt herself hanging off the edge as someone screams to let everyone in the balcony know and rush out to see the 18-year-old about to jump. Marinette's parents ran up to the room trying to persuade her to get down but she ignored their cries. Luka and Lila then ran out, Lila was unbothered, but Luka's heart froze.

                      "MARINETTE WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" He yelled making her jump but all she could do was frown and look up at the clouds. "MARINETTE!" Luke's yells caught the other classmate's attention who were walking down the street which made them panic especially Alya. "please baby" he whispered so no one could hear but Marinette felt nothing anymore and wanted to let go. "Marinette! Don't let go I'm coming up!" he yells again, and she finally got to see how he climbed up to the balcony and towards her window except he walked towards her. Marinette weakly turned her head to him and just cried.

                       "Luka" she weakly spoke, and Luke carried on climbing over the rails so that he was next to Marinette to try and save her. "I'm sorry".

                        "no, none of that Marinette, I'm not having you say sorry like this, grab my hand and I can help you up. You don't want to do this" he cried and Marinette just looked back down at the crowd trying to find way to catch her. "don't do this baby".

                         "I'm not you baby though am i? Lila is!" she yelled, and Luka just shook his head. "do you love her?" Luka did not reply because he knew she would jump with whatever answer he gave her.

The two had been hanging for almost half hour and police, the fire brigade tried everything to find ways to get her down and Luka, but it was such an awkwardly shaped balcony that they did not understand how he even got up there. Luka looked over at marionettes hands which were starting to slip, and he then started to panic and worry.

                       "LUKA!" juleka and his mother yelled in fear, but he just ignored them after realising Marinette was up there and begging people to help her.

                        "Marinette, you know I love you right, the reason why we broke up is because of university and from what you did with Adrien, I understand you were confused, and I left harshly but I was hurt, I tried doing this but then I thought about my family down there, you can't do this, not to your parents, not to your friends, please let me help you".

                         "I just want to die Luka; my life is messed up. I never do anything right".

                         "that is not true, you my hero, if it were not for you, I wouldn't be where I am right now, you made me believe in myself, now you believe in yourself, I can't lose you. If you jump, I jump I won't live in a world without you and I know you wouldn't do the same thing" the more Luka tried to convince the more Marinette had to think. She looked back at her parents crying and stressing and then finally was able to breathe and realise she was hanging at the edge of the balcony. "I love you Marinette, I will always love you, you know that" his smile calmed her down.

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