Chapter 2

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"So the plan is simple" You said to Loki.

"Now Frigga is gone. May she rest in peace. We simply strand Odin on earth and then you disguise yourself as him making us-"

Loki cleared his throat "Sorry I mean, making you leader of Asgard"

"Every king needs a queen though my pet, so we can lead Asgard together" Loki added.

"Sounds easy enough right?" You asked him.

"Yes. It's an excellent plan. But what do we do about Thor?" He questioned you.

"He's to busy looking for us with the Avengers. I doubt he will think to look on Asgard. We just have to be careful and not get caught that's all!" You told him.

"Y/N, darling. We are the God and Goddess of mischief we can fool anyone we want" He laughed as he reminded you who you are.

"I suppose you're right my king." You smiled at him.

"Now, when do we leave?" You asked him.

"We could always leave tonight" He told you.

"Oh I don't know, I feel like leaving earth a day after nearly being caught by the Avengers is a bit to soon. At least let them catch us one more time and then leave" You laughed at the sound of your own plan.

"Sounds like a plan" Loki said in return.

You and Loki both looked at each other in silence not knowing what to do with yourselves. Although you were both a couple you would never do cute couple things as you both couldn't forgive yourselves for it, so you always settled for causing mischief instead of dates, however on the rare occasion you went out for dinner.

Loki looked at you and smiled gently, with a wave of his hand you was standing in a beautiful emerald green dress and he was wearing his all black suit.

"Come on darling. We're going to dinner" He told you.

You linked arms and made your way out of the ship and walked to the restaurant. You got to the restaurant and hadn't even sat down for five minutes before you heard...

"Stark. I've located Loki and the girl" Thor's booming voice never hid well in plain site.

You used your magic to teleport yourself to him.

"Never careful are you Thor" You told him.

"Y/N, where's my brother?" He asked.

"And why would I tell you that?" You spoke slyly.

"Because ­­­­Y/N the world is in danger and you know it"

"The only thing the earth is in danger from is us taking over the world and that will happen pretty soon" You informed him.

Thor grabbed his hammer and placed it amongst your chest as he pushed you against the wall.

"Y/N, I have no time for you games. Tell me where my brother is now!" His voice was slightly raised.

You didn't speak you just looked at Thor in the eye trying to intimidate him.

"Intimidation won't work with me ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Y/N, and you know that" Thor told you.

I mean he was right but it never stopped you from trying.

'Alright then time for some mind games' You though to yourself.

You began to squint your eyes almost like you were trying to focus on someone from across the room.

"Y/N. What are you looking at, who is it? Is it Loki?" Thor had no idea what you were doing.

"Isn't... Isn't that Jane?" You questioned him.

"And is she with another guy?" You asked once more.

"Where?" Thor asked you, as doing so he removed his hammer from your chest which allowed you to be free once again.

You quickly vanished as he turned around.

"Urgh great" He said.

You arrived back at the table and grabbed Loki by the arm and pulled him out of the restaurant.

"We need to leave. Now!" You told him.

"What why?"

"It's Thor he is here and if he's here it means the Avengers aren't that far be-"

"Make your move reindeer games"

That voice sounded familiar and of course it was the great Tony Stark.

Tony finally had you both surrounded, you both couldn't escape. He grabbed you both by the arm.

"You two are coming with me" He announced.

As he pulled your arm, you and Loki both began to glow. "No we aren't" And just like that you were gone.

"We lost them again!" Tony shouted.

"That was a close one" Loki said.

"Alright maybe now is the best time to go to Asgard" You admitted to Loki.

"Anything for my queen" Loki told you.

You both stood in the middle of nowhere and summoned the bi-frost portal and headed back to Asgard, all you would have to do is pray that you wouldn't get caught or worse have your plans ruined.

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