Chapter Sixteen- What Is Meant To Be

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I paced back and forth through the living room thinking about how in the hell this could have possibly happened. I had tears in my eyes and everything was on the floor. 

"How did this happen Mason?"

"No one knew Mom was thinking about suicide Brother. It is how it is now D."

"Fuck that, this isn't the way it is suppose to be! She was suppose to be there man, for my wedding, my kids, for you, for me! She needed to be here, and she left me."

"Darren, I know you are hurt and confused. I am too, but we have to deal with this shitty as life we were given. I can think of someone right now who needs you just as much as you need her. Go upstairs, I will clean up."

He wiped the tear that fell from cheek before hugging me.

"It will all be okay D."

I nodded my head before heading upstairs. 

Brooke was sitting in the middle of the bed with her chin on her knees, and her headphones blaring. The clock read 4 a.m, but I wasn't able to sleep. My mom hung herself, and I found her. Nothing I did seemed to get that image from my head. 

"You okay Darren?"

I nodded my head before wrapping my arms around her. 

"Hey Brooke, do you think everything happens for a reason?"

"I believe some things happen for a reason."

"What reason could this be? I can't believe this happened."

"Neither can I sweetheart, but she is in a better place."

"How did you deal with it? You know, losing your parents."

"I had Bree. We were both going through the same thing, it was hard, and it sucked, but we had each other. We will get through this. This time, we have each other.

I smiled and kissed her lips before letting sleep take over me.





I ran all the way back to Trevor and rolled my eyes before opening the door. I hated this wannabe Alpha! He is now my sister's mate? I hated him even more for that!

"Brandon Connors, my main man! Is it done?"

"Of course, you compelled  Mrs. Paxton to kill herself. I think I have a problem for you."


"Brooke showed Cara a picture of you, and she thinks you are her mate."

"Show me a picture of her."

I took my phone out showed him a picture of my little sister. His eyes went big and he whispered,"Mate?"

I closed my eyes and thought, "Oh fuck..."




I am so sorry for the wait, I had writers block. It took me forever to try to make this chapter. Please don't hate me for killing off Mother Paxton. Keep checking for the next update. Until next time ;) 




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